sixty-three (but for real promise)

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today's theme: evasions

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today's theme: evasions

As much as Jisung enjoyed Marcus's presence and their friendship, there were undoubtedly the outliers in the bunch.

He was from First Sector, and he did go to Concordia, after all. People from there always carried a certain air and composure to them, no matter what they were themselves. It was the trademark of your environment, and Marcus was no less of a victim.

It was a little bit of his typically high standards and penchant for the more luxury side of living. It was also partly from his tendency to judge quickly, and the eminently-present condescension he inevitably had as a dweller of the center district. 

It usually wasn't a problem. More often than not, these parts of Marcus came out on topics that they disagreed over—which, most of the time, landed in the area of romance and relationships. And as the last few months would see it, that led particularly to Minho.

Jisung had always thought he was being overdramatic. As overbearing as it could seem, it wasn't possible for someone to be that averse to something and squirm that much.

He was wrong. So very, very, unabashedly and unforgivably wrong.

Pandora looked back at him. "And you are..."


"Oh. You're Marcus's debate friend."

"Just friend works." He smiled politely, trying to steer her attention away from Marcus. "I go to the Academy."

"You're on the Academy's debate team?" Her eyes widened. "Oh wow..."

He cocked an eyebrow. "I don't think it's that big of a deal."

She coughed. "No, no...of course. It's impressive. Marcus...Marcus told me about you guys a lot."

"Did I?" Marcus spoke up suddenly. His entire face had become stone cold. "I certainly don't recall."

Pandora laughed nervously. "You did. Remember? It was just a few weeks a—"

"If you don't mind, Miss Clerval, we're kind of busy."

"You don't look too—"

"Oh, but we are." He slammed down his chopsticks. "There's a great deal of things I need to talk about with Jisung over here, and I'd rather not get rudely interrupted by irrelevant and interfering passerby."


He smiled sweetly at her. "Sorry if you couldn't tell. I know I've always expected too much out of you."

"Can we," Pandora winced, standing there awkwardly, "Can we not"

He didn't respond.

"Marcus, please."

He looked away, a pained expression streaking across his face for a split second. 

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