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today's theme: parallelisms

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today's theme: parallelisms

"So he's a maverick." Jumin leaned against his bike.

Minho had insisted on driving on his own, so he had followed his friend around the area for almost ten minutes before parking in some abandoned empty lot that overlooked the highway. The sound of car engines floated up as they whizzed by underneath them, and the occasional strong wind pushed the loose gravel on the ground off and in the same direction. According to Jumin, he came here often when he wanted to think or he needed inspiration.

So in other words, exactly what they needed in this moment.

Minho nodded, tossing his helmet around. "The best one I've ever seen, actually."

"Those are some strong words. Have you watched him in action yet?"

"I saw him in a mock round we did in practice once. I was going to see him in semifinals at SOpe, but...that didn't happen. 'Cause he got, you know, disqualified on the spot."

"Right. That's why our opponents were so underwhelming in finals. I was beginning to think that Wellington had lost its edge or something."

"I don't think those people from Concordia were that bad," Minho said, furrowing his eyebrows. He never really got to actually see Pierre and Marcus, but from what Jisung had told him, their skills weren't exactly subpar or anything, unlike their personalities (Pierre specifically, at least.)

"They're not bad, but they're not finals-worthy. Semis? I can take it. But not finals. Your friend was definitely robbed in more ways than one."

"Okay—you're laying it on thick now. Nobody knew if he was going to win or not, let's not jump to conclusions here."

"For you to recognize a debater for their skills, that maverick must be something else. So I have no doubt."

Minho laughed. He wasn't wrong. "I don't think I ever got to congratulate you on being the Wellington champion. Knew I could count on you to humble the other two."

"As expected, of course."

He bent down to pick up a rock that the wind had blown right into his wheels. In some twisted, fucked up and selfish fashion, Jisung not being able to face off against Jumin in the final round was sort of relieving to him. He wouldn't know who to root for in that moment—it would've driven his brain into a sharp corner.

"Honestly though, I'm more surprised about Aurelia even managing to take the Director's spot than I am about the maverick ban," Jumin said, returning to the topic of contention. "You've seen his acts at Workshops. His pleasantries are nonexistent."

Minho murmured in agreement. "Maia said he's gotten worse since I left."

"She's right. I still can't believe they willingly voted in that insufferable slutbag—I mean, really? He was among the least popular mentors at Workshop, and there's no way his colleagues actually liked him. There's been years where I've thought about declining the invitation simply so I don't have to torture myself in cohabiting with Aurelia for two weeks."

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