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today's theme: secondary

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today's theme: secondary

"I seriously can't thank you enough for letting me stay here." Feifan shifted in her seat awkwardly.

"Don't worry about it," Marcus assured her halfheartedly. He flashed her a smile, trying to mask the bouts of nervousness shooting through his veins as he waited for the the light on the suite's water boiler to turn green.

Tonight had been wild. At least for him. 

He had watched the doors close on Feifan and Jisung, where Minho had locked eyes with the two of them for no more than a second. He had been the only one who had seen the prodigy turn whiter than the snow outside, seen his face freeze over in thousands of different emotions.

Not for long, though. Marcus had bolted almost immediately—he had the ugly feeling that standing there and watching Minho would've certainly gotten him involved in some way or another, and that was the last thing he was asking for. It felt rude to leave the guy there so vulnerable and in shock, but he didn't really know what else to do.

Running worked—for maybe two hours or so. Until he had run into Feifan lingering randomly in the hallway. 

Her presence was still a bit of a controversy on the team. They had all been sworn to secrecy when she first introduced herself, all but Marcus, who had been charged—and failed—with the mission of warning Jisung (a courtesy of Brandon's heeding). It explained why she was by herself; people were a bit wary of her, the sister of an old star, no less.

Still, he felt somewhat bad to leave her alone. Temporary or not, she was still part of the team for the time being, and hospitality was the least he could provide. Plus, it would be an even worse idea to let a girl wander alone in a strange country.

Rich people may have been pretentious, but they still had decency. Most of them, at least.

"No, no,'s, it's really nice of you." She looked down at her lap. "You're the only one that's been..well. How do I say this...? Handling my presence relatively normally."

He chuckled. "One of my best friends knows a thing or two about hanging around famous people. You could say I'm the unfortunate third party he likes to drag along."

"Three's a horrible crowd to stay in."

"Tell me about it." He took the electric kettle off the stand, placing it down on the mat before reaching for two mugs. "You won't believe the shit I've had to see."

He picked up the complementary tea box, the hotel's logo engraved on the top, flipping it open to an assortment of mini bags. "Sorry, what tea do you drink? They have hot cocoa here too, if you don't like tea—or uh, I can just give you hot water..."

He coughed loudly, stopping himself from bumbling any further. "It's been kind of a stressful day for me, so I think...I think I'll take the...uh..."

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