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today's theme: roundabouts

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today's theme: roundabouts

Just like Jisung had predicted, cross-team bonding was a drag.

At least, the idea of it was—according to the majority of the Academy's team reaction when Bella had brought it up at practice the day after. Having been met with blank stares, some confused head nods from the novice debaters and a few winces from everyone else (plus Chan acting like he had been shot), the simple proposal of it all held about as much appeal as a falsified case file with zero evidence points.

There were plenty of questions—most importantly, why Concordia, of all teams? If the idea was to pair up with the other private schools in the City, then the Wellington School was just as potent, or even that small little institution at the edge of Gaslamp.

And why a day before they left for Toronto? It was a Thursday, a school night, and each of them were hard pressed to make up the work they would be missing on Friday. Living it up with their potential opponents was truly nowhere near anyone's priorities.

Still, Bella was the coach, and nobody was really one to disrespect her. It meant a potential suspension from competing for lack of etiquette and manner, but even more than that, it could mean losing their special debater discounts at the café. And for a place as treasured as Blue Caramel... 

The risk was too high for that—so cross-team bonding it was.

Jisung pushed through the doors of the squat building, cringing. "Bella did not think this one through."

"Concordia's going to need a new coach after this. Brandon's screwed." Minho shook his head in exasperation, twirling his car keys in his hand nervously. School had ended barely forty minutes ago, and according to Bella's instructions, they had booked it to this obscure location in Ninth as soon as they could, still in their uniforms.

"This is what we call the language of the cowards," Felix said excitedly, a bubbly Hyunjin nodding beside him. They skipped in after the first two, excitement bounding off the neon pink and green walls. "This is insane."

"As long as none of the stuff gets in my hair, I'm going to dominate the field." Hyunjin grinned. "Shit's going to be amazing. Bless Bella for this."

"Speak of the devil," Jisung muttered, watching their coach appear out of the corner with a full-blown smile on her face.

She patted Felix on the back. "You four! Glad you could make it. Everyone else is here already. We were waiting on you guys."

"Are you trying to get us killed?" Jisung whispered at her harshly, as if someone else was listening. "I thought this was supposed to be friendly!"

She blinked. "It is."

"You're going to get us to bond through paintball?"

"Did you have any other ideas?"

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