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today's theme: management

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today's theme: management

Jisung was livid.

Irrevocably angry, grippingly pissed, there were many ways to put it. Not that it mattered, though, they all came out and manifested into one seething boy.

"We might have to let Minho sleep over in our room tonight," Hyunjin whispered, watching him fume in his spot from across the room. "'Else we might get a murder case on our hands in the morning."

Dinner had been a quick stop at a sushi place, where everyone watched him stab edamame peas and raw fish with such life-threatening force the waiters had to come over and ask if anything was wrong. Felix almost felt bad for the tuna—as dead as they were, that still had got to hurt.

They had all kept it in the back of their minds, letting him steam it out while they ate and talked, but it was carrying over into karaoke now. And in a small room of dark flashing lights and tons more food—and sharp utensils—there was an elephant that couldn't be ignored now.

Nobody wanted to say it, but romantic songs were definitely off the table for today.

Felix nodded. "Do you think their partnership is over now?"

"He's still wearing the diamond earring. The chances that he'll flush it down the toilet though, who knows."

"This is tragic," Jeongin giggled. "Not even a day into their partnership and he's already mad. Minho's got a lot to deal with."

Felix prodded his partner. "Go talk to him."

"Me!? It's your brother that did this!"

"I take no responsibility for my brother's lack of social awareness. You are the best friend of the person that's actually mad right now."

"Ever heard of 'blood is thicker than water'?"

"I don't share blood with Jisung, and your water is thicker than mine when it comes to him."

"You both are so pathetic," Seungmin said loudly, getting up from his seat beside Hyunjin. "I will do it."

He stalked over confidently and sat down beside Jisung, laying an arm over him. "So, Sungie, how we feeling today?"

Jisung shoved his hand off aggressively. "Don't fucking call me that."

"You know, Jisung," Chan said, kneeling in front of the karaoke box with Changbin, "talking about it might make you feel less angry."

Jisung scoffed. "I'm not angry."

That was a lie, but he couldn't have cared less in this moment.

Tonight was supposed for him. Minho had promised him, not Vernon or Jumin or any stupid human being under the gravitational atmosphere. Sure, he hadn't seen Vernon in a while, but there would be time for that later, after tonight.

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