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today's theme: ascension

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today's theme: ascension

Changbin groaned, flopping onto the sofa. "That was brutal."

They were gathered in one of the student lounges, a large open space of carpets, computers and couches everywhere. A wide stretching skylight hung overhead, like a little dome, basking in the rays of the late afternoon. 

Students and coaches mulled about, most of them having been disqualified, probably waiting around for their teammates that were still in the game. The number of people had heavily dwindled down from yesterday—at this point, only four teams remained—but nevertheless, a lot of them stuck around to watch the last of them.

Chan laughed, taking a seat on the armchair. "It was a good one, though. I'm proud of us." 

Jisung sat right on top of Changbin's legs, making him yell out in surprise and pull them back. "I can't believe you went against Jumin, though. I would've killed to be in your spot."

"Yeah, but we lost."

"Still, you got to see him up close and personal. The room must've been packed with spectators. I would've gone if I didn't have my own rounds."

"Technically, you still can," Seungmin pointed out. He had his legs crossed underneath a sleeping Hyunjin, who was using him as a pillow for his afternoon nap again. "Both of you are still in for semifinals. There's like a one in three chance you'll match up with him."

"Let's hope that doesn't happen, though," Jeongin said. "If Jisung goes against him, there's no way he'll win."

"Even if he wins semis, he'll face him in finals. It's a lose-lose either way."

"Yeah, but being a finalist versus being a semifinalist is so much different."

"Okay! Okay!" Jisung stopped the both of them. "Let's not talk about this. There's only a few minutes until they announce the semifinal matches, and I'd rather not get nervous about it until then."

"We still got one in?" Bella walked up to the group, holding the box of donuts Minho had bought. He was trailing far behind her. 

Felix nodded. He had been trying to stick bits of cereal into Hyunjin's wide open snoring mouth. "Depending on how Jisung does, we'll either be sticking around for awards, or we can get to dinner faster."

"Fabulous." She placed the box down on the table. "I'm done with all my judging today, too. I got your text about the girls leaving early, Chan. They're cleared."

Jisung got up to grab a donut, but a pair of arms pulled him back before he could sit down again. 

Minho had his arms wrapped around his neck, squeezing Jisung from behind as he buried his head into the younger boy's neck. Fresh from the outdoors, cool air radiated off Minho's clothes and tingled Jisung's nose.

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