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today's theme: doubles

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today's theme: doubles

Winter break meant a lot of things for people in the City.

It was celebrating, gift-giving, traveling and a bunch of other festivities that contributed to the natural cheer than the end of the year typically brought. Snow had been falling in droves now, piled along sidewalks and turning the nearby parks and fields into sheer white plains that ran three feet deep if you stepped in them.

For the varsity debate team, though, winter meant the best times at Blue Caramel.

Bella always went all out for Christmas, transforming the café into Santa's workshop and cranking the heat at the perfect level where one could sit at the high tables sipping peppermint mocha in a giant sweater without sweating their eyes out.

The interior was decked out in red and white—green was too ugly, according to Bella—accompanied by tinsel, fake snow, and a giant tree that stretched all the way to the second floor. It made everything on the holiday menu so much more enjoyable, and nobody wanted to miss out on Blue Caramel's reindeer gingerbread.

Jisung cupped his hands around his tea mug, letting the steam warm up his face. "Why are we not taking Marriott again?"

"It was a bit far from the tournament location last year," Chan said from across the table, powering up his laptop. "I don't think we want to get up at six for the Go Train and the subway."

Changbin walked up, soup and bread in hand, settling into the stool beside Chan. "Are we discussing Toronto logistics? I thought we were rooming at Four Seasons Hotel."

"That is the plan. Jisung was just asking why we're choosing to live inside the city rather than on the outskirts for this trip."

The younger boy shrugged, bringing out his own laptop. "I don't mind anything, don't worry. As long as we get to visit the Distillery District, I'm all good."

It was Monday again. Christmas was at the end of the week, with Hyunjin's infamous party coming just a hair after it. Even though the Academy was on break and they didn't have a tournament until about a full four weeks later, the eight of them had agreed to a group research session at the café.

Starting their assignments, a month before the tournament? Nerd couldn't even begin to describe it.

Still, Chan insisted on gathering at Blue Caramel—and everyone knew he was not one to procrastinate.

"Are any of you guys bringing a plus one to Hyunjin's party?" Jeongin swiveled around in his stool on the left of Jisung. "This year's theme is romantic, so it's low-key more important this year than any other."

Seungmin snorted. "If I bring a date, Hyunjin's going to kill me."

"It could be worth the prank," Jisung mused, stroking his chin. "Imagine the look on his face."

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