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hemmotional tweeted:


for the first time in a while, luke slept in peace. not once did he wake up, or did he have trouble falling asleep. having his boyfriends made his sleep somewhat better, but after what happened last night, luke just felt so incredibly happy. he hasn't felt this happy in a really long time. quite honestly, he doesn't know what to do with this happiness. he doesn't experience happiness often, so he treats it like it's a rare animal.

'yeah, i definitely need to see a psychologist.'

the agenda for the day was... nothing. luke had no idea what he was going to do. maybe he could use this energy and exercise. the thought of that may or may not have made luke laugh so hard that he woke up his boyfriends, but we won't talk about that. maybe he can use this energy to do absolutely nothing.

or he could take petunia to petsmart and spoil the absolute shit out of her. yeah. that's a good damn idea.

"i'm going to petsmart with petunia in one hour! if you aren't ready by then, bye bitch!" luke shouts, as he steps in the shower.

he can hear the stomping of footsteps, and he swears he heard someone fall too. it was probably ashton. his huge ass feet cause him to trip over a spec of dirt.

by the time luke is ready, all three of his boyfriends are standing proudly by the door. petunia is all dressed up in her pink harness and leash, her tail wagging at the arrival of her owner.

"i'm impressed. this is the quickest you've ever gotten ready." luke laughs, giving them all a quick kiss on the lips before taking ahold of petunia's leash and leading her outside.

yes, on the lips. luke finally grew the guts to kiss his other two boyfriends. (after they became highly offended once they found out he and michael had already kissed). it felt nice to kiss his boyfriends. he doesn't know why it took him so long to grow the balls to, but he won't question it. he now feels comfortable kissing them now and that's all that matters.

once they arrived at the pet shop, luke went straight to the dog food. petunia was running low and he needed to take care of that issue before buying toys and new accessories for her. he attempts to grab a big bag of dog food, but calum comes to his aid and slings it over his shoulder.

luke's jaw drops in shock and surprise. "that bitch is heavy and you just throw it over your shoulder?"

calum just laughs and shrugs, placing the bag in the cart.

they head over to the toy isle and immediately calum, ashton, and michael throw toys in the cart.

"now hold on, i can only purchase at least two toys." luke says, grabbing the toys.

"who said you were paying?" ashton challenges, raising an eyebrow.

"me, i did."

"i don't think so, sweetheart." ashton chuckles, placing the toys back in the cart and wraps his arms around luke's waist.

luke pouts. "i can't just let you guys spend your money on me or petunia. you already bought me like, at least two hundred dollars worth of clothes."

"three hundred, actually." calum states.

michael slaps calum's stomach, making the maori boy pout and mumble 'ouch'.

"three hundred?!" luke screeches.

"well, that was just the clothes. the jewelry was two hundred— ow! stop hitting me!" calum pouts.

luke sighs and leans his head on ashton's shoulder. "please don't do that again. now i feel bad."

"you're our boyfriend, we're supposed to spoil you." ashton chuckles, kissing luke's head.

"not in public!" luke whispers, in fear that there could be a fan or even paparazzi in the building.

"maybe i want them to see." ashton whispers back, leaving luke silent.

but does he want them to be public? is he ready for that? he's already received so much shit online for just being their 'friend'. having the public know he's their boyfriend will be even worse.

so luke is silent for the rest of the trip. does ashton really want them to be public? doesn't their management have to know first and approve of it? god, they haven't even came out yet. no one even knew calum, ashton, and michael were dating before luke was even in the picture. how would that turn about? how would people react to that?

he thinks about what ashton said the entire trip home, and while they got home. he locked himself in the bathroom to 'take a shower' even though he had just taken one before they left. he sat in the water for a good twenty minutes before he heard a knock on the door. "luke? baby, are you okay? you've been in there for a while." he hears ashton say.

luke sighs and doesn't reply back. he just lets the water continue to soak his hair as ashton's words repeat in his head.

"luke, baby? sweetheart? can i come in?" he hears ashton say, again.

"it's locked." luke says.

"babe, the lock is broken, remember?"

well shit.

luke doesn't answer and he sighs when he hears the door open. he brings his legs towards his chest, even though he knows that ashton wouldn't invade his privacy like that. he guesses it's just a trauma thing. he even does it when kat comes in the bathroom.

"are you okay? you're... you're not hurting yourself, are you?" ashton says hesitantly.

"what, no! i don't... i don't do that anymore." luke says, his voice lowering with sadness.

it's silent again and luke thinks that ashton left but then the drummer speaks again. "is it because what i said? at the store?"

luke doesn't respond, giving ashton the answer he wasn't hoping for.

"i didn't mean to scare you. i-i'd like to come out to the press, but only if you are comfortable with that. i know the public haven't really... been fair towards you and i don't want to make that worse by us coming out. i wouldn't do that to you. i-i just... i don't know..."

and luke wants to scream because god, they can come out without saying they aren't dating. ashton can come out without saying he isn't dating anyone. why does ashton think that he has to wait to come out until his boyfriend(s) are ready too?

"you can come out, you know. you don't have to say that you are dating anyone, but you can just come out." luke says.

"i could, but then that means management would want to set me up with a gay PR right away and i don't want that. i don't want to fake a relationship when i have a real one, right here."

luke smiles a little. just hearing his boyfriends calling him their boyfriends makes his insides fill with butterflies. he loves his boys, so damn much that it almost hurts.

"you do whatever you want, love. i want you to be comfortable with whatever way of coming out too." luke says.

"thank you. will you come out now? i really need to take a shit."

"you are such a mood breaker."


howdy howdy. how is
everyone? 🤍

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