☾❙forty one

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when luke first started to listen to true colors, he immediately fell in love with them. he watched them grow into men, and watched their fan base go up from just a few people to millions of fans.

he always made up fantasies about meeting the boys. he imagined them to be the nicest and caring people. he imagined himself being friends with them, since they were close in age. he always thought that whenever they were in sydney, they would bump into each other and suddenly become friends, or magically fall in love. of course he hasn't had those thoughts since he was seventeen.

but this wasn't a made up world anymore. this was real, this was actually happening. he wanted to pinch himself and wake up in his own bed. and he did, but he was still here sitting in the chair.

"i don't.. i don't understand." luke says shakily.

"we like you luke... we all do." ashton says quietly.

the room fell with silence and tension. petunia groaned and got up to move somewhere else. she didn't feel like dealing with their drama.

luke shook his head. "no, you can't.. i— there's no way you just can't."

and luke was panicking. he didn't understand how someone, or multiple someone-s could like him, could have feelings to him. how is it even possible for the three boys to like him and not arguing and fight with each other? are they going to make him choose who he wants to be with? because if that's the case, he won't choose any of them. he does not want to put any of them through that pain.

"we do, and i know it's confusing but luke we just genuinely like you. we didn't, we'll at least i didn't want to scare you away." ashton says softly.

"b-but all three of you?! what is this, some 'fight for your love' bullshit?!" luke shouts.

calum shakes his head. "god no! but... there's something else we have to tell you too."

luke was ready to hear that they wanted to marry him, or wanted him to tour the world with them. something more than just 'we like you'. now his thoughts were getting out of hand, but's he still think this is some crazy dream. his seventeen year old self is loosing his mind.

"just please say it and get it over with, please." luke breathes out.

his head feels dizzy, and nothing looks clear. everything is fuzzy in his mind and he just can't grasp what is being said or what is going on.

"we uh, we're kind of... in a threewayrelationship." calum says quickly.

and luke heard it. he heard every word and honestly, he truly thought he was going to faint.

he pointed a finger at calum. "you three," he glanced at all of them and took a deep breath. "are dating?"

ashton nods.

"oh my god." luke breathes out.

"please don't be mad at us." michael whispers.

luke shakes his head quickly and looks at michael with wide eyes. "no! i'm not mad at anyone mikey. i'm just... holy shit this is a lot."

calum ran his fingers through michael's hair in a soothing way, trying to calm the boy's anxiety down.

the boys grew quiet again. they didn't know what else to say. they had just admitted everything to luke and they have no idea how the blonde feels.

"if you need time to think about this-"

luke cuts ashton off. "no, i don't."

"luke, i don't think you completely understand." ashton says softly, placing his hand on top of luke's knee.

luke shakes his head. "i-i do! but why me?"

ashton sighs. "i guess the universe just wanted us to fall for you."

luke took a deep breath to compose himself. "i-i need to think about this. i just don't-"

"it's okay luke." ashton says, smiling sadly.

luke stood up from his seat and put on his shoes. "just uh, don't try and contact me, please. i'm still trying to understand this and grasp it."

ashton nods. "we need space, it's okay."

luke called for petunia and clipped her leash to her collar. he gave the boys small quick hugs before bidding them a goodbye and leaving the room.

petunia had trouble keeping up with luke because he was walking so fast. his heart was pounding against his chest and everything felt fuzzy. it felt like it was hard for him to breathe, but he knew he was breathing perfectly fine.

he got in his car and sat in his seat in silence for a moment. he tried to go over everything that was just said to him, but he couldn't grasp it.

they all have feelings for me

they're all dating.

and luke cries when he realizes that they want him to be in the relationship too.

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