eighty one

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TW// mentions of drugs and abuse


kitty kat: i WAS on
my way to ulta and
now i'm just magically in
your driveway

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT." luke shouts, practically screams as he crawls off the bed.

"you kicked my balls!"

luke ignores calum and throws on his t-shirt and shorts that were somehow on the floor.

luke races up to the door and he opens it. kat looks up from her phone and laughs. "luke, sweety, if you were having fun you could've just said so." she ruffles luke's already messed up hair and let's herself in.

"what uh, what are you doing here?" luke asks, clearly not prepared for company.

kat just stares at him. she doesn't say a word, doesn't even give him a certain look. she crosses her arms and sighs. "we've got a case to build, but you and your boyfriends, or one of your boyfriends, decided to go at it like rabbits this morning."

luke's face turns red. he ignores kat's statement about that and sighs. "do we have to do that today? i was hoping that... we could talk about it when the boys were busy with work?"

"no, luke. i'm sure your boyfriends would want part of this." kat says, but her face softens when she sees luke's expression change. " you haven't told them?"

"i-i have... just not... me telling the police." luke mumbles.

kat sighs and goes over to hug her best friend. she doesn't bother to try to reason with luke about this situation because it's already hard enough for him. dayla changed him for the worst. she twisted his mind and kat truly doesn't know if luke will ever be like his old self again.

"hey luke, petunia was whimpering so i— oh. hey kat!"

kat's heart stopped beating for a few seconds. here she was hugging luke when calum motherfucking good was right there. kat immediately pulls away from the hug and turns in the direction where calum was. "h-hi." she squeaks out.

"we haven't properly met. i'm calum, well you already know that um... so hi." calum chuckles.

luke's insides were fluttering. calum's shy side never fails to make luke think that he was just the cutest thing ever. when it's just them, calum is just himself. when he's around other people however, his shy side shows and luke secretly loves it. it just reminds luke that this is all real and calum doesn't just have one personality. he often forgets that calum is a literal living teddy bear. he's soft, cuddly, and he's there when you need him to be.

"i'm um, kat. it's nice to like, actually meet you holy shit." kat breathes out.

"and you too. luke talks about you more than he talks about us." calum laughs.

kat blushes. she couldn't help but be so flustered because one: she's talking to calum hood and two: luke cares about her just as much as she cares about him. she spent years trying to find a true best friend and she was so blessed when luke came into her life. luke changed her for the greater good.

katherine used to be what the highschool students called 'the bitch of a druggie'. after her dad had died, kat wanted something that would fill the pain. her dad was the only parent she had. her mother was abusive and was finally arrested when kat was five years old. her shit excuse of a mother never laid a hand on her because her dad did everything in his power to not let that happen. kat's dad was her everything. after she lost him, she didn't know what to do. his death was so sudden and she was lost.

there was a group of seniors that would have 'drug friday's'. they'd sneak into the woods behind the school and use whatever they managed to get their hands on. kat was intrigued and her interest in this group became her new hobby.

however, when luke arrived, he changed everything. there was something in his gut that told him that he needed to befriend kat. he didn't know the reason until he had finally became acquaintances with her. luke saved kat's life. he helped her during her withdraws and her relapses. never did luke give up on her and that's all that kat needed, someone who would not give up on her. he forced her to go to rehab when she overdosed and kat never touched drugs ever again. she still has the urges but replaces them with memories of luke and the times he helped her.

"i'd look completely better if i knew someone was coming over. we've just had... a busy morning." calum says, clearing his throat as his cheeks became red at the mention of the 'busy morning'.

luke frowned. "you look great. stop that, don't you ever say that again."

calum blushes at the compliment but then his eyes widened. his eyes shift over to kat and back over to his boyfriend. luke looked confused for a moment but then smiled when he realized what calum was trying to say. "i um... told her about us the other night."

calum let out a sigh of relief but still looked a little panicked. luke felt a little bad for not mentioning it before. he swore he was going to tell his boyfriends but he just got so preoccupied with... well them. he gives calum the 'we'll talk later, i'm sorry' look and they leave it at that.

kat and calum talk for a while. calum let's kat take pictures with him and follows her on all of her social media accounts. it felt like a fever dream to kat, but this was all real. luke wakes up every morning thinking this was his daydreaming when none of his boyfriends are in the bed. he almost shits himself when he finds them in the kitchen or living room and lets out a sigh of relief. he doesn't want this to be a dream or one of his daydreams. he wants this to be his forever.

"i hate to leave, but i'm needed at the studio now." calum apologizes, slipping on his shoes by the front door. luke kisses calum, telling him to be careful before calum leaves.

the moment calum shuts the door, kat jumps into action. "okay, i have a list of numbers to call and a list of information that we need. we're going to be at this for a while, so be prepared, breathe, it's going to be okay." kat comforts.

luke was not prepared for this whatsoever, however, he was not going to let his fear get in the way of his justice.


[ just wanted to state that
this spam of chapters does
not mean this book is ending
soon. i know authors usually spam
updates when the book is finished or
when it is about to end soon. i'm just
feeling generous today ]

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