ninety nine

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truecolors tweeted

truecolors: we are excited and proud to announce our third album; Gold. after writing this bad boy for two years, it will finally be yours in two weeks, July 16th. thank you for your patience, love and overwhelming support. we love you guys!

 we love you guys!

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"luke, no."

"i'll suck your dick if you tell me." luke juts out his bottom lip, giving calum the puppy dog eyes for extra effect.

"tempting, but no." calum snorts, still typing away on his phone. if he looked at luke's blue eyes, he'd take his offer straight away.

luke huffs, finally giving up on his pleading. he's already tried it with ashton and michael, but they too never caved. luke hates surprises and his boyfriends are hiding a huge one. scratch that, he hates not knowing what the surprise is.

it's been a few weeks since his major depressive episode. luke is somewhat back to his normal self after having multiple emergency therapy sessions. he still struggles to get out of bed and be productive, but it isn't as difficult anymore. he's back to working after both jobs graciously allowed him time off after the news. that, and they didn't want any customers to cause any problems if they recognized luke as the luke from the news.

after seeing how much luke was struggling, the band decided they needed a getaway, a temporary distraction to the stress they are all dealing with. all interviews, photo shoot sessions, and music video sessions would done with for the time being. they had exactly a week free of work coming up, perfect for a vacation.

keeping this from luke was difficult (obviously). as much as they wanted to tell their boyfriend, they it needed to be a surprise.

after the album is released, all four will go to bali to celebrate the release of the album, and luke and ashton's birthday. a celebration and a vacation from all their hard work and stress.

luke had joked about going to bali after he was given the promise ring. little did he know that was all the conformation the band needed.

truthfully, they've wanted to go on vacation with luke for a while now. now that they have a week off, it was the perfect time to plan their trip. bali isn't the only surprise, though. the three boys collectively agreed to let luke listen to the entire album before its release.

luke had absolutely lost his shit when he found out he was the cover of the album, well his legs at least. he stared at the picture for five minutes straight, jaw dropped. he was thankful that it wasn't obvious that it was him. the photo could easily be mistaken as one of the band members.

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