☾❙twenty nine

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hemmotional tweeted

hemmotional: i think i died last night

hemmotional tweeted

hemmotional: please excuse drunk luke, i'm definitely NOT going to be doing that for a while


ashtonTC: i wanted to apologize
for how i was acting yesterday
morning. i was stressed about
our new song and i took it out
on you and it wasn't right

ashtonTC: calum and michael
talked to me after you said i was
mean. i told them what happened
and they were not happy with me,
and spoke a few words.

ashtonTC: i'm never going to
do something like that again

ashtonTC: but even after i knew
it was wrong. the moment i sent
the messages i knew i was so
wrong for saying that, or trying
to control you. so i'm very sorry
for that.

hemmotional: it's okay, as
long as you know it was wrong.
i'm sorry too for acting like a
little brat. now i'm gonna try
and get rid of this hangover.
i'll talk to you guys later x

ashtonTC: bye luke, take
care of yourself please x

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