ninety six

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"are you sure that's everything?" calum asks for the millionth time that day. luke rolls his eyes and places one of the cardboard boxes down. "yes mom, that's everything." calum playfully glares, but smiles and kisses luke on the cheek.

luke takes one final look at his apartment. the place is completely empty, furniture sold and everything else packed up. the walls are freshly painted and the floors polished. his landlord offered to do that job, but luke felt obligated to do it instead.

he felt a mix of emotions as he stared at the empty living space. luke never thought he'd move out of this place so soon. hell, luke never thought he'd be in a relationship with his favorite band, but here he is. not only that, but he is going to live with them. the thought and change is a little frightening, but he's more excited than fearful. he gets to be apart of his boyfriend's daily life now.

he feels arms wrap around his waist, a body pressing against his back. he sighs in content as he feels lips kiss down his neck. "we're ready whenever you are." calum whispers. luke only nods, turning around and smiling. he kisses calum gently, laughing when the maori licks at his bottom lip. "down boy. there's a bed back at home."

calum sputters, his eyes widening. "i-i wasn't indicating sex! if anything, you should go down! wait no, shit that came out wrong!" luke laughs, kissing the corner of calum's mouth. "i was just teasing, love. i mean, unless..." luke trails off awkwardly. they've never really discussed having sex. yes luke has done some sexual acts with his boyfriends, but not the actual thing.

"are you sure?" calum asks softly. "you don't have to do it if you don't want to. you know that, right?" luke rolls his eyes. "babe, i wouldn't suggest it if i didn't want to." calum laughs, his cheeks tinting pink. "i know, i-i just don't want you to feel forced just because ashton, michael and i have sex."

luke appreciates his boyfriends hesitation, he really does. but damnit, he isn't this fragile porcelain doll. calum isn't the only one who is hesitant about sex or sexual acts. he knows that burden lies in the back of their mind, but luke is allowed to do things like that. just because he had unfortunate situations, does not mean that he does not want to do it ever again.

so luke expresses that to calum. he does not mean it in anger, but just a bit of frustration. unfortunately, those thoughts and hesitations come with dating someone who has a past of sexual assault. of course luke expects his boyfriends to triple check, but it can get a bit annoying over time.

"calum, love, i'm one hundred percent sure and comfortable with having sex with you, ashton, and michael. i really do appreciate that you check for my consent, but it... it makes me feel like i'm not supposed to have sex when you guys hesitate. i know that isn't your intentions, but damn it calum, i want to have the most mind blowing sex with all of you because i fucking love you all."

calum is stunned into silence after that. was he expecting luke's outburst? absolutely not. is he happy that luke knows what he wants? absolutely.

"okay, baby. i promise i'll try to not be as... hesitant about it. though this is something you need to say to ashton and michael. i— we will give you the most mind blowing sex, if that is what you want." calum reassures, kissing luke's forehead gently.


michael and ashton were at an interview, leaving calum and luke alone for a few more hours. the two men took petunia out for a walk, playing fetch with her at the local dog park. luke couldn't help but take multiple photos of how cute calum and petunia were.

after a while, they sat down on a bench to catch their breath. calum was far worse, as he was mainly the one who played with petunia. luke was there for company and to take care of his dog.

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