ninety eight

587 34 11

possible TW// depressive episode


hemmotional tweeted

hemmotional: i wanted to address the obvious. i have received multiple messages concerning this topic and i ask that you please refrain from doing so. i am handling this situation privately.

hemmotional: legally, there are things i cannot say. however, i can say that it is true that i have pressed charges against dayla west. it is up to you to believe me or not. i ask for privacy during this time and i ask that you respect that.

hemmotional: i also ask that you please stop sending me death threats and telling me to unalive myself. that shit is never okay. this situation is difficult enough. please don't add on to it.

hemmotional: i will be away from twitter and all other social media platforms for now. for legal reasons and for my sanity. i appreciate the care and concern some of you have expressed.

people hemmotional mentioned can reply.


"sydney police department made an arrest late thursday night-"

"dayla west-"

"on counts of domestic violence-"

"we have reached out to hemmings, but have received no response."

news reports. it was all luke could see and hear. no matter how he tried to escape it, it still somehow followed him. he couldn't get on social media without receiving a message with a link to an article or a video of a news station covering the arrest. luke had no choice but to delete all social media apps until the news about dayla died down.

surprisingly, ashton, calum and michael had also received messages from fans regarding the news, demanding answers and sending condolences. the band wanted to make a statement on their account, but their manager immediately shut that idea down. "it would only stir the pot more than it needs to be. luke is already struggling, don't make it worse." their manager had said.

it was hard for the three men to be there for luke. unfortunately, while luke is coping, the band have interviews, photo-shoots, and music videos to participate in. luke assured them that he understood why they couldn't be around as much. they're a band, they have their own life and duties to pursue. they can't always stay with luke 24/7 because he's in a bit of a depression.

kat and sierra came over as much as they could. of course, luke was argumentative about it. he didn't want to be watched all of the time. a text or call every once in a while would suffice. he felt like he was on suicide watch all over again.

this is not what luke meant when he said he would need support. if anything, it was too much. luke wasn't sure how to express that to his friends and boyfriends. he wasn't sure if he should say anything. he felt stuck and it only fueled the depression more.

luke would lock himself in his room. he'd only come out to use the bathroom, let petunia outside, feed petunia and let her drink water, and that was it. he couldn't bring himself to eat, he simply couldn't keep anything down. petunia was good company while he was locked away, but it wasn't the same as the company as his friends and boyfriends. that fueled the depression more.

it was scary how dark and cloudy luke's mind was becoming. his body was riddled with physical and mental exhaustion and pain. all he could do was sleep for hours on end. even after sleeping all day, his body and mind cried out for sleep. he felt weak, physically and mentally. he felt ill and couldn't help the dizziness when he stood up. he knew it was from the lack of food and hydration, but luke couldn't bring himself to care. his head pounded against his skull, a constant thumping from the lack of nutrition.

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