seventy nine

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boyfriends <3


luke 🤍: okay i KNOW
it's 3am you don't have
to tell me

luke🤍: but where the
fuck are y'all? i haven't
heard from any of you
for hours

luke 🤍: at least tell
me if you're dead ya know

luke 🤍: aight it's been
0.1 seconds ANSWER ME

ashton 😳💓: we're alive lu,
on our way home ❤️


luke: okay, i'll see you soon
:) 🤍

luke has a plan, which he isn't sure how it's going to go, but he has a plan. he needs to do this before he looses all confidence to say what he needs to say.

after talking to kat, luke realized how much he loves his boyfriends. it's been three months already, and luke can happily say that he loves his boyfriends. at first, luke thought it was too early for that, but he realized that he had fallen in likeness a month before they started dating. when calum, ashton, and michael had confessed their feelings, luke thought he was dreaming. in what world does not one, but three men declare their feelings for you? not only that, but your all time favorite band in the entire universe.

luke feels a little guilty for telling kat the truth. his boyfriends will understand though, right? kat is his best friend. she's been there for him through everything. luke couldn't keep this secret from her, he just couldn't. he hated that he had to keep it a secret from her. kat isn't someone who will turn on you. kat is... there isn't a word to describe her. she isn't good, but she isn't perfect (no one is perfect). she's just... kat. the only kat luke will ever know and trust.

but luke does not feel guilty for wanting to confess his feelings. does he send a 'hey, i kinda love you' meme to their group chat? does he say it the moment they arrive to the apartment? or does he wait until the morning because he knows his boys will be exhausted and he doesn't want to keep them awake any longer. but god luke cannot wait that long. he wants to scream it out. he wants to decorate the house with roses and banners that say 'I LOVE YOU' all over the apartment.

luke does not know how to do this, basically.

it'll be ten minutes until the boys arrive. that gives luke some time to think and prepare. maybe give them a card that throws hearts at your face when you open it? or maybe one of those cards that sing? he doesn't have any of those laying around, sadly. the closest grocery store is ten minutes away, he won't make it back in time. plus, it's 3 in the morning, stores are closed.

so instead of decorating the place with romance, luke decides to dress up nicely. he puts on a red silk shirt his boyfriends got him, black flared pants, black boots, his necklaces, rings and bracelets on that his boyfriends bought him. is confessing love supposed to be this scary? luke doesn't remember being this scared when he confessed his love to—

"honey, we're home!"


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