☾❙seventy one

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my mf babies 😡❤️


luke 🤍: i'm on my
way home. i love you ❤️

calum 🤡🖤: i
love you too darling.
be careful ❤️

ashton 😳💕: dinner will
be ready once you get here :)
i love you!

michael 🥺💘: be careful!
i love you!


home. he called his home their home.

it was a complete accident. it just had slipped out. at first, luke worried that he had scared his boyfriends off but no, here they are texting him. telling him to be careful, telling him that they love him.

it doesn't even feel like an accident anymore. his boyfriends are his home. he feels safe, loved, and that's what a home should be. a home just isn't a building, it's more than that. a home is going to be filled with memories. memories that will make you happy, sad, or numb.

his home makes him happy.

luke drove in silence, not wanting to turn on his radio. he feared that it would only increase his car bill, but he knows that's just his anxiety talking. does that even count? he doesn't know. right now, his main focus is to figure out a way to pay off his bill. he could get a second job, but 1) kat would kill him, and 2) his boyfriends would kill him. maybe he could get one secretly? that's not the best idea, and shouldn't be an idea at all but luke is desperate. he has to pay off these bills.

he knows for a fact that he is not going to let his boyfriends see it. he knows they will pay for it themselves. luke is not going to allow that. he's an adult, he can't rely on his famous boyfriend's money. that is their money that they worked hard for. they should spend it on things they have worked for.

looks like i'm not doing anything fun for a while.

luke groans when he realizes his boyfriends will become suspicious if he doesn't go out to do anything. he can't not hide this from them, they will find out eventually.

why does everything have to be so fucking difficult?

luke lays his head down on his steering wheel at the red light and sighs. when did life become so stressful? why is it so stressful? why can't he just function like a normal human being?

and luke does what luke does best, blames himself for everything.

it's his fault that he passed out, but it was completely out of his control. the brain is a mind of its own. medication can only do so much, it never fully heals.

a honk pulled luke out of his thoughts and he jumped. he pressed on the gas quickly and blushed in embarrassment.

the day only gets worse when his gas light blinks and alarms him.

luke pulls into a gas station and fills his car halfway up with gas. he looks around anxiously. he doesn't like being alone, especially at gas stations. he's never trusted gas stations. he watched as each person exited the compact store, or their cars. he held his breath when someone looked like they where heading right for him, but would exhale when they got in their cars.

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