☾❙twenty four

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ashtonTC: where are you?

hemmotional: i'm inside,
it started raining earlier

ashtonTC: okay, we're
coming in

the wooden doors chimed, and luke looked up to see ashton opening the door for calum and michael. they all stepped inside the main entrance and luke stood up from his spot.

"hey luke." ashton greeted, flashing him a smile.

"hi." luke said quietly.

he still doesn't believe this is real.

they sat down at a booth and a waitress came over to their table with menus.

"welcome to matthew's diner, what can i get you to drink today?" the waitress asked, clicking her pen open.

they ordered their drinks and looked at their menus. there were many options, from breakfast foods all the way to desserts. there were burger options, chicken options, and so much more.

luke didn't need to look at his menu. he always got the same thing here because it was just so good. a shrimp alfredo, with a buttered roll. it was the first thing he ever ordered at the restaurant, and since then that's the only food item he's ever gotten.

"so, how have you been?" ashton asks, after deciding on what he's going to order.

luke shrugged. "i'm okay. how was the studio?"

"it was good, we recorded a little bit." ashton responded.

luke was excited for their new music. whether it was a new album, or a new single. either way, he knew it was going to be good. all of their songs were absolutely masterpieces.

"any sneak peaks?" luke teased, smiling lightly.

ashton shook his head. "you'll just have to wait."

luke playfully pouted and it became silent again.

the waitress came back and took their orders, only to leave a minute later, leaving the boys in silence again.

"so," calum spoke, looking over at luke, "a cookbook huh?"

luke shrunk down in his seat and his cheeks turned pink. "shut up."

calum laughed, and luke swears it sounds so much better in person than in videos.

"did you learn any recipes?" calum teased, raising his eyebrow.

luke huffed. "in fact, i did."

"we'll get you real books after this, don't worry." ashton assured.

"but ash, i think he's okay with his cookbook." calum says, looking over at the drummer.

luke crosses his arms over his chest and slouched in his spot. if calum was just going to tease him, then luke could play at this game too.

"cal, shut up before i beat you with the cookbook." ashton says, slapping the bassist arm with his fork.

calum pouted and rubbed his arm and hit ashton's arm with a fork as well. when ashton glared at him, he stuck out his tongue like a little child.

michael rolled his eyes at their playful behavior and scooted closer to the window. he was sitting by luke, and he wasn't sure how much space should be between them.

luke looked over at michael and smiled at him. "you're really quiet michael."

the guitarist blushed lightly. "sorry..."

luke shook his head quickly. "no, it's okay. some people are just naturally quiet, it's fine."

calum and ashton looked at luke in awe. usually, when michael is quiet, people are teasing him about his shyness. never had anyone said that it was okay for him to be quiet. well, other than themselves.

maybe luke would be perfect after all.

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