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hemmotional tweeted

hemmotional: hey guys, i'm gonna stay off of twitter for a while. love you all. take care of yourselves ❤️

lolairwin: is everything okay ? x
hemmotional: not really , but hopefully it'll get better soon
lolairwin: i'm sorry :( i'm always here for you
hemmotional: thank you lola x

palcalhood: hope everything turns out okay. you don't deserve any of this x

truecolorsupdates: we'll miss you ! we're sorry for all of this drama :( x

truecolors liked hemmotional's tweet


"hey, luke?" calum's calls out loudly, scrolling through the comments with confusion.

he clicked on truecolorsupdates account, and looked through their tweets. he clicked on the tweet of michael with a fan from earlier this morning, and looked through the comments.

he smiled as he read the nice comments, saying that michael looked so good and the congratulations towards the fans who met him. and they were right, even though michael looked tired, he still managed to look beautiful.

as he looked through the update accounts tweets, he saw where michael's account and luke's account was mentioned. how do they know it was luke? well, luke does have a quite big follower number due to the band following and responding to his tweets. it's crazy how luke gained popularity on social media just because of them. it's even crazier how many times they all followed him and never thought that they would all end up together later in the future.

if luke had never messaged them, they wouldn't have ever gotten together.

he looked through the comments, and he could feel an intense pain in his heart.

how could people be so cruel? how could their fans be so cruel? he didn't hesitate to block the users. calum couldn't believe how mean their fans could be. don't they realize that words hurt, whether you mean them or not? what is the point of openly spreading hate to someone they don't even know? of course everyone is entitled to their opinions, but there is a huge difference between an opinion and hate.

calum heard the bedroom door open and close, and he knew luke was on his way towards the living area of the room.

luke rubbed his eyes and waved at calum. at first, he felt a little guilty for possibly waking up his boyfriend, but he's also been sleeping all day. if he sleeps any longer, he won't be able to sleep tonight at all.

and yes, calum knows luke suffers from insomnia. they all do. they know that luke can't sleep well at night. sleeping during the entire day isn't going to help though.

"what's up?" luke says sleepily, plopping down next to calum.

"why are you staying off of twitter? is it because of what ashton said?" calum asks gently, not wanting to overwhelm the boy.

none of them know about the dms still. luke doesn't plan on telling them anytime soon. he's afraid to, he doesn't know what they will do, or how they will react. it's obvious dayla is a dangerous person, which is why luke is no longer in a relationship with her anymore. that all ended almost two years ago. of course he should tell them about his last relationship, but the thought of telling his boyfriend that he was abused by a woman makes him feel weak.

luke shouldn't feel weak. it doesn't matter what gender it is, abuse is abuse. no one should ever feel weak when they are abused, or have been abused. luke was taught that everyone should be treated as equal. no matter their skin color, gender, or sexuality. luke was taught that everyone is capable of good and evil, no matter who they are.

of course, society ruined that. there are men out there who think that all men shouldn't have any feminine feelings or details. a man, in their definition, is someone who is the dominant of everyone. a man is someone who isn't fearful or weak. a man should be strong and never weak.

but it's wrong, so wrong.

and because of this, luke believed that he was and is weak because he was purposely hurt by a woman which is fucked up in so many ways. he shouldn't feel like that. no man should ever feel like that. this also applies to women. no woman should feel weak because she was purposely hurt by a man, or by another woman.

"no... it's uh... i just need to." luke says, avoiding the subject as best as possible.

unfortunately, his boyfriends can read right through him. there is something that he is hiding, and they're determined to find out what it is. of course they're not going to force it out of him, that would not be okay.

"are you sure? do you need to talk, about anything?" calum asks, attempting to coax his boyfriend to tell him what's bothering him.

luke nods quickly. calum notices during this conversation, luke is avoiding eye contact. that's definitely one sign that something is wrong with him.

"baby, can you tell me about what happened on twitter? i just saw it." calum says sadly.

luke tenses and calum immediately placed his hand on luke's thigh for comfort. he can feel and see how worked up luke is about to get. before luke can burst into anxiety, calum stops him from explaining.

"you don't have to," calum says quickly. "just... know that we're all here for you okay? we love you, i love you."

luke nods, and visibly relaxes a little. calum pulls him into his lap and kisses his forehead.

"i love you too." luke mumbles against calum's shirt, and tucks his head into the crook of calum's neck.

he traces the lines along his boyfriend's tattoo's and smiles when he feels calum twitch slightly from the ticklish feeling around his collarbones. he still can't believe he is this close to the people he has loved for years. no matter how many times he wakes up and sees their face, he can never get over how incredibly lucky he is to be dating such wonderful boys.

calum still can't stop thinking about the mean comments. he knows luke saw them and it hurt him. he wishes he could tell everyone to back off and leave him alone, but that would only cause more chaos and drama. management may even start to bud into their business as well. whatever they post or tweet is closely monitored so they don't screw up their career. it most likely wouldn't be a major problem, but then they would begin to question as to who luke is, and why he is so close and important to them.

"how about we go out to eat tonight? we can go to that diner you really like." calum says, wanting to find a way to make luke feel better.

"we don't have to if you don't want to." luke says.

calum chuckles. "babe, if i suggested it then i would like to go."

luke's cheeks cloud over in a soft pink and he mutters a 'shut up'.

calum only laughs again, and kisses the top of luke's head.


thank you guys
for the love on the face
reveal 🥺 i was not expecting
that reaction at ALL.

i cut my hair too and i
feel hella cute 😚✌🏻

i went to disney for the
first time last week and god,
i loved it so much. it was so
much more than i expected.
i ended up crying because i
was just so happy. i even met
tiana (my favorite princess)
and i HUGGED her. i hugged
my queen. i spoke to my

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