☾❙fifty two

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luke woke up to the feeling of someone's fingers running through his hair, a hand gently stroking his cheek, and a quiet 'wake up sweetie'. his eyes opened slowly, smiling instantly when he saw ashton looking down at him, his hand still stroking his cheek.

"hi," he whispered.

"hi," ashton laughs, leaning down to kiss his forehead.

luke sits up and stretches, and bids a quiet good morning to calum and ashton. michael was still asleep, curled into his side. he looked so peaceful and so cute that luke didn't want to wake him up just yet. petunia sees him awake, and immediately bolts to the bed and jumps on top of him.

bad mistake.

luke yelped in pain and curled into a fetus position. "motherfucker of balls!"

as petunia tried licking his face, ashton and calum started howling with laughter. it caused michael to wake up, and he sleepily watched the situation that was going on.

"hey, thats my line. you can't say it." michael huffs, glaring at luke and laid back down. petunia notices the guitarist and tries attacking him with her kisses. he giggles lightly, and wraps his arms around petunia.

ashton and calum laughed even harder,  holding on to each other because they couldn't keep their legs steady anymore.

after a few minutes, they calmed down (with the occasional snicker and giggle) and rushed to luke's aid.

"you alright love?" ashton asks, rubbing luke's shoulder.

luke looked up at ashton and glared. "she just prevented me to never make kids."

ashton chuckled and laid behind him, spooning him. "i don't think she's capable of that."

luke huffed and only tried to enjoy the warmth raiding off of the drummer. he was still in pain, but it was slowly, very slowly, wearing off. he smiled when he felt ashton place small kisses on the back of his neck and sighed.

how did he get so lucky? he's literally living the y/n's life. never in a million years did he think this was going to happen. all of his dreams about being friends with them has come true, but it's even better. he gets to love them whenever he wants. he gets to kiss them whenever he's allowed to. this all just feels like one huge dream, and he thanks the universe for letting this happen. he feels so lucky to be loved by the three boys he's looked up to for years.

but there's more things to this relationship than he wants to believe. there's tours, privacy, paparazzi, management, and secrets. a whole lot of secrets. how does their management not know that they're all together? shouldn't they know things like this? at the same time they should, but then yet they shouldn't. how often do you hear that four boys are in love with each other and are all dating? how would they react, how would the public react? it really shouldn't bother them, but that could effect the publicity of the band. there's so many negative things that could happen, along with the positive things.

will they ever tell their fans? luke wonders.

true colors has always been an open band. they've talked about their mental illnesses, family life, their struggles, and some parts of their private life.

but this is different. it's not that common. a relationship with more than two people has been heard of, but how often do you hear about it? if this relationship was ever out in the open, it would be all the media would talk about for weeks. that, and luke's face will be spread all over the internet more than it is now. he wouldn't be famous, but very well known.

there's also the words and stories that they have to worry about too. they could be heavily criticized and management would have to come up with something quickly that no one is going to like. all to just save their fame and money. it's scary to announce a new relationship to the public. there will the the fans who will support it, and the others who will not. there will be harsh words tossed around social media that's open to everyone.

what would happen if anyone found out? it could be a mixed reaction, or maybe all positive. there's no way to know how fans and their management would react. that's why ashton, calum, and michael have kept their relationship a secret. and now that they have luke, they don't want to ruin this. they just got him, and they do not want to lose him now, or ever.

luke didn't even realize he was falling asleep until he felt ashton gently shaking him awake. "baby? we've got to do some things today. our manager just called, i'm sorry that our plans got ruined."

baby. these goddamn pet names are going to be the end of him.

luke turned over and lightly smiled. "it's okay, don't apologize for doing your job." he still felt slightly disappointed, but he didn't let that show. this is their job, he's going to have to get used to the interviews, tours, concerts, and whatever other promotion views they are assigned to do.

ashton feels like he just fell even more in love with the blonde. he kissed his nose, and wrapped him in his arms. why is luke so goddamn sweet?

luke snuggled into his embrace, and sighed happily.

he could get used to this.


bro , we almost have 2k votes
and i'm so 🥺
thank you guys so much for the
support so far ! i love this story
with all of my heart and i'm so
glad you guys do too :)

(p.s. i'm stiLL NOT OVER ASHTON

thank you for coming to my ted talk

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