☾❙ sixty one

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an hour later, ashton had finally came back inside. the living room was quiet, leaving ashton alone in his thoughts. he saw calum and michael leave, so that must mean luke is still here.

he shouldn't have yelled, he knows that. but what luke did was not safe. he put his life and michael's life in danger. he knows luke struggles with insomnia, but driving is not an option. luke could pass out again, or he could end up crashing because his body is sleepy. this is why ashton hopes luke will get help. he doesn't want anything bad happening his baby.

ashton took a deep breath before knocking on the bedroom door. "luke? are you in here?"

there wasn't an answer, so ashton slowly opened the door. his heart melted at the sight of a sleeping luke. his curls were in his face, and he was snoring quietly. but as ashton stepped closer, his heart broke when he saw the dried tears on luke's cheeks. fuck, he didn't mean to make him cry. now ashton feels even more like an asshole.

the drummer carefully sat next to luke and moved his curls out of his face. he smiled weakly, caressing luke's jaw. the blonde twitched in his sleep, his nose wrinkling and his lips parted slightly. ashton's heart fluttered at the action. as much as he wanted to stare at his beautiful boyfriend, he needed to apologize.

"luke, baby, wake up." ashton says softly, gently shaking luke's arm.

the blonde stirred, but only rolled over onto his stomach. his head turned away from ashton and the drummer sighed. waking up luke has always been difficult.

he rubbed luke's back, and leaned down to press kisses on his shoulder. "sweetheart, wake up, please?"

luke grumbled, but he slowly opened his eyes. and ashton's heart was already hurting, but now it just felt like it had bursted into millions of pieces. luke's eyes were rimmed red and it was obvious he was feeling sad. his eyes weren't as bright as they always are.

"oh sweetheart.." ashton mumbled sadly, letting a kiss linger on luke's shoulder.

"what time is it?" luke mumbles as he curls into ashton's lap.

"around two. how long have you been sleeping for?" ashton asks, running his fingers through luke's hair.

"not long, m' tired." he mumbles out and closes his eyes.

ashton shakes his head and lifts luke up so that he's sitting up. "i can't have you falling asleep just yet. we need to talk."

luke immediately tenses up. ashton's going to scowl him again, or maybe even yell at him again. he doesn't want that. he hates when people are upset with him. he hates it.

"i-i'm sorry! i-i shouldn't ha-have done it and you were right! j-just please don't yell at me." luke says, on the verge of tears.

ashton was shocked and worried about luke's sudden outburst. he wasn't going to yell at him. he doesn't plan on shouting at him ever again.

"baby... i'm not going to yell at you. i was just going to apologize for shouting at you. that wasn't right of me, and i'm disappointed in myself for doing that." ashton says, cupping luke's cheeks and wiped his tears away.

luke just nodded, and tried to calm his tears but he just couldn't. he slept because he wanted to forget ashton shouting at him. he wanted to forget the messages. he wanted to forget the memories.

his cries turned to sobs and hiccups. ashton became even more worried. why was luke so worked up? is he that upset that he yelled at him?

"luke baby, what's wrong? why are you crying?" ashton asks softly, tucking luke's head to his shoulder.

luke just shook his head and gripped ashton's t-shirt tightly. his sobs grew louder, and he started to hyperventilate. now ashton was extremely worried. he began to panic a little. he didn't know what to do, or why luke was so upset.

"luke, honey, you've got to breathe. take deep breaths love, okay?" ashton says, lifting luke's head so they were facing each other.

huffs of breaths left luke's lips as he attempted to take deep breaths. he panicked even more when he failed. "i-i can't!" he wailed, going to place his head back on ashton's shoulder, but the drummer prevented that from happening.

"yes you can, just copy me." ashton says firmly.

when luke copied his breathing, ashton felt proud of the boy and made sure to encourage him. when luke got worked up again and began to hyperventilate again, ashton was there to calm him down with soothing words. it took a while for luke to finally calm down and ashton calmed down a little. he still stayed alert just in case if luke worked himself up again. he's never seen his boyfriend like that and it honestly scared him a little.

they were both quiet for a few minutes. luke was drying up his tears. ashton was rocking his boyfriend, whispering soothing words as he ran his fingers through luke's hair.

luke felt gross. he could feel his tears sticking to his cheeks as they dried. he could felt snot dripping out of his nose, and onto ashton's t-shirt. crying was never pretty. it's not just tears and red rimmed eyes as some stories make it out to be.

"m' sorry." luke mumbles out, wiping his roughly, only causing his eyes to turn even more red.

ashton lowers his hands from his face and cups luke's cheeks. "don't you ever apologize for crying or being upset."

luke just nods, too tired to argue. he feels weak and embarrassed. he just had a melt down in front of his boyfriend for the first time. he's usually able to control his emotions in front of others, but there was something about ashton that made him want to pour out all of his emotions.

ashton didn't say anything to the fragile boy. he didn't want to overwhelm luke with questions even though he's dying to know what was wrong. it's clear that luke isn't okay, and ashton wants to try and fix that. he can't permanently fix his sadness, but just cheer him up a bit so he doesn't feel as bad as he does now.

"please don't tell calum and michael about this." luke whispers to ashton, twirling his fingers in the small curls at the end of ashton's hair.

ashton sighs and nods. he kisses luke's forehead and lets his lips linger there for a few moments. "i promise, but you're going to have to open up soon. you know that, right?" ashton says softly.

luke nods, wincing at the thought of telling his boyfriends about the messages. he doesn't have to tell them about it, right? he can just delete the messages and forget about them.

if only it was that easy. those texts are going to linger in luke's mind and eat him up until he puts an end to it. he knows dayla is a violent person, but he didn't expect for her to return back into his life. it's been two years, why is she doing this now? why is she still so obsessed with his life?

"why don't we watch a movie, hm? and you can take a short nap." ashton suggests.

luke quickly agrees, wanting an excuse to be as close to ashton as possible. he's extremely tired too, and he hopes that he'll be able to drift back to sleep.

they were only five minutes into the movie when ashton looked over and saw his sleeping beauty. he smiled and kissed luke's forehead lightly. "i love you."


i wasn't going to publish
this until i had a few more
chapters pre written , but
fuck it . you guys deserve another
update . i'm so so sorry for the
long wait . i wanted to wait after
christmas and new years , but
i've had a lot of stuff i needed to
focus on before doing anything
with my stories .

next chapter will possibly
be a face reveal . oh god-

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