ninety three

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"mornin' babe." ashton mumbles, kissing calum on the cheek. the maori grunts in reply, making ashton laugh. calum has never been a morning person. in fact, he's surprised that he's awake before anyone else. not only that, but awake and cooking breakfast. "you need help with anything love?" ashton asks, knowing calum gets overwhelmed easily when he's cooking a large meal by himself.

"could you make a fruit salad? i heard michael say the other day that he was craving french toast and fruit salad." calum asks, dipping a piece of bread into the egg mixture.

ashton nods in reply, though calum isn't paying him much attention, and grabs a variety of fruit from the fridge. he washes the strawberries first, making sure to leave one out for a treat for calum. strawberries were his favorite fruit, therefore ashton made it a thing as to where he would leave the largest strawberry for calum to have. he washes the rest of the fruit and places them on a cutting board.

calum finds the strawberry after cooking the piece of french toast, smiling to himself as he nibbled on it as he prepared the next piece of french toast. "is michael still asleep?" calum asks, making conversation.

ashton hums in reply. "we stayed up late and watched a movie after erm..." he blushes, still getting flustered at talking about his sexual deed with one of his boyfriends.

calum snorts, blushing himself at the memories of the night with luke. "same with luke," he pauses and then panicked "w-we didn't have sex though! we just had a little fun in the shower. shit, he probably didn't want me telling you that." he sighs, aggravated with himself.

ashton frowns at calum's response to himself. "baby, i'm sure he is okay with you telling me." he says, and kisses calum on the cheek for reassurance.

the maori sighs, not verbally responding. he isn't sure what to say following that. while ashton is right, it does not mean that luke may wanted that moment private. even for a little while, and calum wanted to respect that. he knows he would be upset if the roles were reversed.

they are silent after the short conversation. ashton was afraid to overwhelm calum, and calum afraid to say the wrong thing. the silence becomes too much, so ashton connects his phone to the JBL speaker, turning the volume low so it doesn't disturb luke or michael. he hums, swaying as he cuts the strawberries.

calum can't help but smile when he turns to look at ashton. though he can only see his back, he can tell ashton is singing lowly to himself. the man loved music more than he loved himself. the right note would give him goosebumps all over. calum wouldn't trade ashton for anyone else in the world to be their drummer. (and boyfriend, of course).

after the breakfast and fruit are prepared, they load up two trays with coffee, two plates each with the french toast dusted and drizzled with powdered sugar and syrup, and a small bowl for the fruit salad. ashton takes one tray to his room, where michael is sleeping. calum goes to his room, where luke is sleeping.

calum sets the tray on the nightstand, and crawls into the bed next to a sleeping luke. he smiles, tucking a curl behind luke's ear that was on his face. "lukey baby, wake up. i made you breakfast."

luke only whines, making grabby hands at calum, motioning for him to cuddle. calum only laughs, but does as luke wants. luke is a baby, his baby, their baby. therefore the baby gets what he wants. he peppers luke's face with kisses, causing the blonde to scrunch his nose and whine even more. "just lemme sleep." dragging out the 'e's' in 'sleep'.

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