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luke was just minding his own business. serving the customers their smoothies when the door opened, and the bell chimed.

he gave the last customer in the line their strawberry banana smoothie before going over to the cash register to take the next order.

"welcome to smoothie king, how may i- oh my god." luke looked at the boys in front of him with wide eyes.

they were all here. right in front of him. is he dreaming? this feels like a dream.

ashton chuckled. "i'm guessing you're a fan?"

luke slowly nodded his head. he was still trying to process the fact that they are right here. all in their beautiful glory.

ashton was wearing a plain white shirt with a leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and black compact boots.

calum was wearing a green hoodie that said 'empathy', with black skinny jeans and black nike's.

michael was wearing a black hoodie, the sleeves just stopping at the tips of his fingers. he wore black skinny jeans as well, with black nike's.

they all looked absolutely stunning, even though they looked tired.

"w-what can i get you?" luke asked, shakily starting a new order.

"one blueberry banana smoothie, a mango strawberry smoothie, and a berry blend smoothie please. all under one check." ashton said, pulling out his card from his wallet.

luke typed in the order and waited for the price to register. "y-your total is $10.27."

ashton swiped his card and received his receipt.

when luke went to make the smoothies, he was so scared he was going to mess them up. his hands were shaking entirely way to much to even hold the cup steady.

"m-meg, i'm sorry but can you do this? i need a minute." luke says, looking over at megan, one of the workers.

megan nods immediately and rushes over. she frowns when she sees luke's hands shaking once he hands her the cups.

"are you okay?" she asks in concern, pouring the smoothie into the cup.

luke nodded his head slowly. "it's just..." he motions his head over to the three boys standing at the counter.

she looks over quickly before looking back at luke. "they look familiar. are they famous or something?"

luke nods. "they're my favorite band."

megan smiles. "go calm down and talk to them. i got this."

luke thanks her quietly before rushing out of the shop to take a breath of air. being in the shop with the three boys he's looked up to for so long just felt tight and he needs a minute.

he pulls out his phone and his eyes widen when he sees the dm notification from calum.

holy shit.

do they know that he's hemmotional on twitter? he is the one who playfully suggested that they go here. and calum did respond back... surprisingly.

he looked back in the shop to see megan chatting with the boys while giving them their smoothies. he saw them smile and look over outside of the shop.

michael waved, a small smile on his lips.

luke slowly waved back, and hesitated before going back into the shop. he could talk to them, he can do this.

but when he was standing in front of ashton, he completely lost all of that confidence.

"h-hi." luke said quietly.

"hi, how are you?" ashton asks.

"i-i'm okay... kind of nervous right now." luke said, playing with the bottom of his apron to ignore his shaking hands.

"don't be, we don't bite. we're nice i promise." calum speaks up.

"i-i know.. it's just.. wow." luke breathed out.

they laugh and offer hugs and pictures.

"we would love to stay and chat a little longer, but we've got to go back to the studio now." ashton says, a small smile plastered on his face.

"that's fine, thank you for even making time to talk to me." luke says.

"have a good day luke." ashton says before walking to the door.

luke bids them a goodbye and goes back behind the counter.

"oh, and luke." ashton says, holding the door open for calum and michael.

luke turns to face ashton, a confused look on his face.

"i hope those books work out for you."

and then they left.

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