one hundred

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"hey 'tunia." luke coos, smiling at his dog on the screen. she pays no attention, briefly looking at the camera and then walks off. probably to go lay down somewhere.

"has she been good? i hate that i had to leave her again." luke sighs, biting at his nails. ashton's birthday was just last week, giving luke a few more days with petunia before leaving again for a week.

"your dad has been giving her a whole bunch of snacks, so i'd say she's fine." liz laughs, a shout of 'you're not supposed to tell him that!' can be heard in the background.

luke laughs. "great, i'll have a dog ten pounds heavier when i get her back." he feels an arm wrap around his waist and he sees calum in the camera frame.

"hi mrs. hemmings!" calum waves, catching the attention of liz. the woman's eyes widen and she smiles. she will never be used to seeing the band who her son adores. "hello calum! how are you dear?"

"i'm amazing, thank you. this vacation was truly needed. and thank you for watching petunia again! i know luke worries about her." he says, tightening his grip around luke's waist.

the blue eyed boy is thankful the camera is only directed at their faces. he still hasn't told his parents about their relationship. he feels guilty that his best friend knows before his own damn parents. the boys are okay with luke telling them, but he's afraid. they're older, so they may not understand or may not be supportive of it. thankfully, they already know he's bisexual. the trouble luke is having is how to tell them.

"hey mum, hey dad, i'm dating three guys. oh! and they're my favorite band and people! surprise!"

call that a double-whammy because wow. that is a lot to absorb. luke still has to remind himself that he isn't dreaming. this is the shit that happens in wattpad or ao3 stories. how the fuck did he end up here?

"i'm so glad that you boys are having fun! you've all worked so hard. we're excited to hear the album!" liz cheers, her smile never fading. to see her son happy made her heart soar.

calum blows out air. "midnight. fuckin' crazy that it's hours away from being out."

"it's going to be amazing, i just know it." liz pauses. "well, i don't want to take up time from your vacation. enjoy your time! i love you luke! you all be careful!" she bids as her goodbye.

"i love you too, mum. and dad! and 'tunia."

"love you mumma and papa hemmings!"

"love you too calum, bye bye!"

the call ends and luke sighs. he leans into calum's hold, smiling when he feels his lips kissing his bare shoulders lightly. they stand there in silence for a while, staring out into the view from their balcony. the water was always a beautiful clear blue, the sand the perfect shade, and the mountains covered in sand and grass. the vacation home stood on a mountain, far off from the rest of society.

they haven't felt peace like this in a while. this trip may have been for luke, but it's a vacation they all needed. a full week with no work and no drama. no management breathing down their necks, no calls concerning luke's case. seven beautiful days in bali, with their lovers.

"mikey wants to go out for dinner tonight. he wanted to see how you feel about that, since it's been a while and... last time our dinner outing..." calum trailed off because they both know what he's talking about.

it seemed to be an unspoken rule to not go out again after the last dinner experience they had together. it was more on ashton's part, as the man feared it would bring everything back up. he's grown mentally and emotionally since that night. while ashton can wallow in the regret of not getting help sooner, it's important that he knows his mistakes and the fact that he did get help.

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