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luke woke up feeling like he was on cloud nine. the boys don't hate him, and now ashton knows that he wants this to work.

fuck, he's about to be in a relationship. maybe, but the butterflies fluttering in his stomach make him believe so.

in just a few hours, he's about to see the boys again. it's been a month, and he's so afraid of how they are all going to act. is it going to be awkward? wait, does calum and michael even know he's coming over? do they know he likes them too?

calm down luke. one question at a time.

he really shouldn't even be going anywhere, but he has to see them. kat will probably kick his ass and lecture him later but he could care less. he's about to see the boys he loves. the boys who will hopefully want to make this work as well.

after the phone call with ashton, he couldn't help the smile on his face. he missed his voice. he missed him. he missed them. ashton sounded so happy and relieved. he hopes that's how calum and michael will be. if not, his heart will be crushed.

he feels guilty for not speaking to them for a month. he honestly doesn't know how they don't hate his guts right now. why do they still want to give him a chance after that? but he just could not believe the fact they wanted to be his boyfriends. how often does your most favorite people in the world declare their love for you?

he also had to gather his thoughts and feelings as well. he didn't know if he liked them the same way for the first week. but all of the fluttery feelings he got when he was around them explained a lot. the constant smiles and constant attention made his heart explode. he knows that this is what he wants, and he's ready for this. luke wants this. he really does.

he quickly got ready when the hour came around where he was supposed to be picked up. at last minute, he decided to bring petunia because he wasn't sure how long he was going to be gone for. (that and he just didn't want to leave her home alone).

the driver didn't mind petunia. he thought she was the sweetest thing, and even let her sit in the passenger's seat. luke learned his name was seth, and he's been one of the boy's driver for over a year now. he was fairly new, but the crew treats him like he's family. because that's what the crew is, family.

luke laughed and took pictures of petunia when she stuck her head out the window. seth had rolled it down so petunia could 'experience the true fun of a car ride'. he sent them to ashton, smiling when the drummer texted him back.

it was weird having ashton's number now. it made him happy that the drummer trusts him enough to have his number. well, he should have expected it anyways. he likes him for fucks sake, they all do. but it still doesn't change the feeling luke has.

luke practically ran to their hotel room, petunia struggling behind to catch up. one, because luke has ten feet long legs, and two, petunia is just lazy.

petunia was panting by the time they got to the door. before luke could even knock, the door swung open and he was tackled him into a group hug. he stumbled in his steps, and almost fell but calum held him steady before he could.

he couldn't help the wide smile on his face. they were here, they were all here. no one is mad. everything is going to be okay. this was going to work out.

luke wanted to cry. this was finally happening.

this was happening.

they all pulled away so luke could come inside, but the moment the door had shut, they hugged him again and he laughed. he felt so loved. he could feel the love and happiness radiating off of every single one of them. they were all smiling, and luke can't remember the last time he felt this happy.

he's happy. they're all just so fucking happy.

this is actually happening.

they pulled away from the hug again, and they all just stared at each other in such a loving way. luke's heart was currently exploding in his chest, and his face was tinted pink because they're just staring at him with so much love and adoration.

"now that we're all on the same page," calum says, his smile widening, making the sides of his eyes crinkle. god, he's just so beautiful. they are all so beautiful.

"will you be our boyfriend, luke?"

luke nods, his smile only growing wider and he's crushed into another hug.

boyfriends, they are boyfriends.

and it was going to stay that way.

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