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"i would like one strawberry peach smoothie, and my son to go please."

luke's head snapped up at the familiar voice, and the comment. his eyes widened and he immediately smiled. he ran across the counter and wrapped his arms around the woman he's grown with all of his life.

"mumma!" luke gasps out happily.

"hi baby!" liz smiles, hugging her son back as tightly.

since luke moved a few hours away from his parents, he doesn't get to see them as much. he regrets moving so far away but it was for the best. it is still for the best. luke doesn't know if he'll ever go back and stay permanently. there's too many dark memories there.

"what are you doing here?" luke asks, after they sit down in a small booth.

"well, for some reason i received your medical bills. i was going to mail them back, but i thought why not just surprise him?" she says.

and the little moment of joy fades just a tiny bit. medical bills. his medical bills. the medical bills he probably cannot afford right now.

"when were you in the hospital? and why? why didn't you tell me? i was very worried when i received it." liz says softly, her eyebrows scrunched in worry.

luke sighs. "i didn't want you to waste your time. it was something stupid anyways."

"luke robert if you were in the hospital it is not for something stupid." liz scolds.

and yeah, luke definitely misses that. he knows he is a grown man, but sometimes he still misses his mother scolding him for his words and actions. it makes him feel like a kid again. the time where he was actually happy for once. the time when his only worry was what his grades were, and if he was going to graduate.

"i'm sorry mumma. but, i was just sleep deprived. i passed out at work and they held me in for a few days because my body was beyond exhausted. but i'm okay now, i promise." luke says, attempting to soothe his mother's worries.

but that didn't happen. liz flipped out, which luke was not expecting.

"luke! this is exactly what i was worried about! i knew your insomnia wasn't getting any better when you moved out, and then you pass out! oh my god i'm a terrible mother!" she cries out.

and luke scolds her. "don't you dare say that. it is not your fault. there was nothing you could have done about it. i didn't even think it could get that bad mum... and it scared me. so, i'm getting help. i don't want that happening again, i have too much to live for right now." luke says, smiling and slightly blushes at the thought of his boyfriends.

and at the wrong time, but right on cue with his thoughts, his boyfriends had walked into the shop.

luke's eyes widened, and he waved his hands around. he was trying to tell them to get out, but they didn't get the hint and walked towards him.


"hi ba- luke... who's this?" calum says smoothly.

liz looked up and luke thought she was about to die right in the moment. she was going to have a stroke, heart attack, aneurysm, go into shock, something.

"th-that's... th-they-" liz stutters, blinking slowly at the boys she has recognized for years.

the posters, the cd's, the t-shirts, and the concerts. it's them, but how and why. ever since a teenager, luke was absolutely in love with the band and she knew that. so how the fuck are they here right now, and how the fuck do they know her son. her son who has talked non-stop about them for years.

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