☾❙forty nine

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"hey, luke? can i tell you something?" kat says.

luke nods and sits up in his bed.

he was finally able to come back home last night. the only thing he hates was that he couldn't go to work. the doctor told him that he needed rest still, and he would be able to go back to work by the end of the week. he can still leave his house, but he can't do a lot to exhaust his body. he thinks it's stupid. he's fine now, he should be able to do his normal daily routine now.

at least he has petunia now. he missed his little piggy.

"calum followed me the other day, and-"

"oh my gosh that's amazing!" luke gasped.

kat smiled and shook her head. "i'm not done yet. i messaged him because... well you freaked out when i asked about the boys. i thought they did something to you so i asked calum what happened."

luke's heart skipped a beat, and his happy attitude went away quickly. he felt panic rising in his chest. did calum tell her what was going on? what had happened?

"w-what did he say?" luke asks, trying to hide the panic in his voice.

"he just said it's a personal issues between you all. i was just worried. i thought they did something bad to you. you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable saying so, but... just know i'm here for you okay? i want the best for you luke." kat says.

luke nods. "i can't tell you... but i could use some advice?"

kat nods, motioning for luke to speak.

"i haven't talked to them in a month.. and i finally messaged them yesterday but they left me on read. so i think they're mad at me or something? i really don't know, but i want to fix everything and tell them how i feel but i'm scared to. because, what if they don't feel the same and they decided they don't want to be friends with me anymore? i don't know what i'm going to do." luke says.

kat is quiet for a few minutes, and luke is starting to think that she had zoned out and didn't hear a word he said. but then she finally started talking.

"just tell them, lu. it doesn't sound like they're mad at you if calum was asking if you were okay. i can tell they really care about you and you're really special to them. i don't know what you guys do, or what's going on but i don't think they're going to let this go. i'm sure they feel the same way. plus, who would want to stop being friends with luke hemmings?" kat jokes, trying to lighten up the mood.

"he asked about me?" luke asks softly, his heart fluttering.

kat nods and smiles. "yeah, he was really worried to. he wanted to come visit, but i told him that it probably wasn't a good idea. that, and i would've shit my pants."

luke snorts and smiles. "thanks, kat. i don't know what i'd do without you."

kat pats his hand and stands up from his bed. "i know, now get some sleep."

she leaves the room, leaving luke with his thoughts.

maybe they're just ignoring him back as a payback. or maybe they really are mad at him and just don't want to talk to him right now. but how would that make sense if they were all wanting to come visit him while he was in the hospital? it doesn't, and luke just automatically thinks of the worst in situations.

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