ninety four

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everything was back to (somewhat) normal in the following weeks. luke continued going back and forth between work, home, and the penthouse. the only difference was that half the time, the boys were at the studio. luke wasn't able to see them as much as they'd like, but it was understandable. luke is busy with his two jobs and the band is busy with their album.

luke loved his new job. the co-workers are nice and the manager doesn't boss them around like his other one does. it is more stressful since it is a restaurant and not a smoothie shop. it's his turn to close tonight, which makes luke a little excited and anxious. everything is left for him to finish. this can either a) prove to his manager that he is reliable, or b) show that he cannot work under this circumstance and potentially get fired.

the night grew closer, which meant the dinner rush was upon the hour. that also meant kat and sierra would be here soon. they always come to the restaurant on their weekly date night. even before luke started working at the restaurant. having him as an addition made the experience even better. they 'accidentally' leave too big of a tip for luke, leaving immediately so luke doesn't protest and force them to keep the money. while luke hates it, he's also thankful for it. he knows his friends are just trying to help out.

"hey luke, sierra and kat are here." nola, one of the waitresses, announces. she gives him two menus food menus and one drink menu. he feels giddy inside at the announcement of his best friends being here.

he walks over to their usual table, greeting them with hugs and a short conversation about their day. "you both look lovely!" he comments. though he's confused as to why they are dressed up so fancy. sierra is wearing a mauve dress, her hair is curled and pieces are pinned back. kat is wearing a dark purple dress, her hair straightened.

"thank you! we just wanted to be fancy tonight. no reason at all." sierra smiles, resting her chin on her palm. before sierra can blurt anything else out, kat orders their drinks. as he leaves to go place the order, he can hear them bickering and it makes luke smile. they're so in love it's sickening.

the night moves on quickly, luke sweating as he bustles through multiple tables. he hardly has the chance to see kat and sierra. he profusely apologizes when the rush ends, panting a bit as he's raced back and forth throughout the restaurant. "i smell and feel disgusting." luke groans, refilling their cups with lemon water.

"i got you babes." sierra says, reaching into her purse and setting down vanilla scented perfume, deodorant, and a handkerchief. "you're gonna need it later." she smiles innocently, patting luke's hand.

luke raises an eyebrow at her comment. kat laughs awkwardly and shoots sierra a warning look. "what she is trying to say is, you need it so you don't chase out the entire restaurant." she jokes.

luke laughs sarcastically. "thanks, i appreciate it." he quickly sprits on the perfume before chasing off to the other side of the restaurant. god, this job feels more like a workout than waitering.

the restaurant finally dies down around nine o'clock. though he still has two more hours before he can close. he's exhausted at this point. he rushes off to the bathroom every chance he gets to splash his face with water, put on deodorant and perfume. right now, all he wants is to lay in bed, cuddle petunia and sleep for two weeks.

sierra and kat are still at their table oddly enough. they strike conversation with the other waiters and waitresses as they pass by. he doesn't comment on their stay though, smiling when he can hear them laugh. what kind of friend would he be to ruin that fun?

at ten thirty, sierra and kat finally leave. before they do, kat gives him a shopping bag, the top covered with tissue paper. "put this on after your shift. it's just a little gift from us." kat says, forcing luke to take the bag when he refuses. they finally leave, and now luke is alone with a bag. he sits down and rustles through the tissue paper, gasping in awe as he pulls out the clothes folded in the bag.

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