☾❙ sixty three

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[imessage: 👁👄👁]

👁👄👁: alright bitch ,
where the FUCK are you

👁👃🏻👁: ?? huh

👁👄👁: i've come by your
house TWICE and
you're not there

👁👄👁: you're supposed to be
on bed rest. you better not
be at work right now

👁👃🏻👁: i'm not.
i'm just.. out

👁👄👁: out WHERE

👁👄👁: the only time you
should be out, is if
you gotta get out of
your bed to shit or

👁👃🏻👁: i'm just eating
dinner. relax, i'm okay

👁👄👁: luke robert
hemmings. where are you.

👁👄👁: and if you don't tell me
now, i swear i'll look all over
the city and drag your ass
read 5:36pm


"um..." luke starts, catching the attention of his boyfriends.

"what is it, love?" calum asks, noticing the panicked look on luke's face.

"kat texted me and she wants to know where i am. i'm supposed to be on bed rest still and i haven't been home." luke says quickly.

they all tense up. luke can't say that he's here. they all know how kat due to how much luke talks about her. she's a great friend to him. he seems happy when he talks about her. luke tells them funny stories about her, and how they met. they haven't met her, and they would like to. there is risks to that, though. kat does know that they're friends, but she cannot find out they are all dating. she may be luke's best friend, but this is something that no one can find out about.

"what do i say?" luke squeaks out, clearly panicked as the silence continues.

"just, tell her you're here. if she comes, we'll leave." ashton says, frowing at the thought of leaving luke.

luke pouts. "but, she'll make me go back home."

ashton sighs. "well, maybe it's a good idea that you do? i mean, you're supposed to be sleeping and not going all over the place. we're not really helping with that."

and that's kind of made luke feel upset. he knows that they are right. plus, he can't stay in the hotel with his boyfriends everyday. he has a home, an apartment to go back to. it's too soon to live together, if that even ever happens.

"okay." luke mumbles.

👁👄👁: hello?? are you

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