ninety one

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getting past the front desk and security was a hassle. the security guards had to check luke's ID and be completely sure that he was actually luke hemmings and not a look alike. contrary to belief, everyone has a look like. it's scary of how dedicated some fans are.

it took about ten minutes before luke was finally able to go in the elevator. he was escorted by a security guard for 'safety'. luke was impressed with the level of safety there was in the penthouse. there were cameras everywhere, security guards on each floor, and you could not leave without signing out.

the security guard lead luke to the front door and knocked for him. he waited until the door opened before leaving. luke couldn't help but awkwardly smile at calum as he slipped past him. "hi." he mumbled.

"hi, um, welcome to our home?" calum says, unsure of what to say.

luke looks around, taking in the large sun lit room. there were boxes both empty and full, so the place wasn't fully decorated and furnished just yet. "it's nice."

"thanks," calum pauses and kicks his foot on the ground. god this was so awkward when it shouldn't be. "do you want to sit down? ashton is in the shower and mikey will be back from the grocery store soon."

calum leads luke to the living room and moves things around before letting luke sit on the couch. "sorry that it's a bit messy right now. we've been at the studio a lot and haven't been able to clean."

"my apartment doesn't look any better, it's fine." luke laughs.

calum just smiles. he missed luke's laugh. he missed him in general. seeing him in person for the first time in a while was so surreal. luke didn't look any different, except the fact that hasn't shaved for what looks like a week. he didn't look stressed or depressed and that relieved calum a little. he was worried about luke's well being.

on the other hand, calum looked the complete opposite. he looked exhausted, his eyes glassy and his under eyes dark. his lips were in a frown, and it hurt luke to see his boyfriend like this. he felt a little guilty for not looking so miserable.

"have you been sleeping well?" luke blurts, worried about calum.

calum shrugs. "kind of. i keep waking up in the middle of the night. sometimes i can fall back asleep, sometimes i can't." he pauses and looks at luke. "have you been sleeping?"

luke swallows. god, how could he say no when calum looks miserable and is having difficulty sleeping. he knows they are all worried about his sleeping conditions, but maybe it will make calum feel better thinking luke is sleeping.

"yeah," luke's voice cracks. "not a lot of sleep, but.." he trails off, not wanting to dig himself deeper into the lie.

calum sighs, knowing luke is lying but doesn't confront him about it. he feels awful that luke isn't sleeping again. he hopes they can get this sorted out so that hopefully, maybe they can help luke sleep. calum does not ever want luke going through that again. it was fucking terrifying for all of them to hear that luke was in the hospital.

"hey cal, when is luke going- oh." luke turns around and blushes at the view of ashton. he was only covered in a towel from the waist down.

"h-hi." luke stutters out, looking off to the side. he could not look at ashton right now. the first reason being that he was now very flustered, and the second, he was still a little hesitant and skittish with ashton. luke feels horrible to feel that way towards his boyfriend, but it was really scary that night.

"hi, um, i'm going to get uh, dressed." ashton says, clearing his throat and shuffles off awkwardly.

"he's hot, right?" calum says, in an attempt to ease the tension.

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