☾❙fifty one

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later that night, the boys pushed the two queen sized beds together to make room for all of them. it started when they all began to argue about who luke got to sleep with tonight. it lasted for ten minutes before luke had enough and suggested the idea of pushing the beds together. they quickly agreed, and that's how four giants were all cuddled together on the beds.

ashton was spooning luke on his left side, while calum was spooning him on his right side, and michael was laying at the end of the bed, his head on luke's lap. every few seconds, luke would run his fingers through michael's hair and smile whenever the guitarist melted into the touch.

luke still thinks this is all a dream. there's no way he's boyfriends with the three most important people in his life. how did he get so lucky? it's even crazier how the three boys were all dating and no one knows. it was a huge shock to luke, but now he understands why they are so close and protective of each other.

the band mates decided to date each other when the feeling of being just best mates for life didn't seem right. they wanted to kiss, they wanted to cuddle, they wanted to do so many things with each other that best friends don't do. the relationship has been going on strong for four months now. something felt like it was missing, though. they never found out until they met luke. and now that luke is in the relationship, everything feels right. luke was that missing piece they have all been craving and longing for.

they were watching movies on the tv, but none of them were really paying attention. they were more focused on the fact that they are together now. the boys can finally call luke their boyfriend, and it's the best feeling. ever since they first saw the blonde beauty, they all fell hard.

calum paused the movie and sat up in his spot. "we need to talk about something, luke." his tone of voice was serious, and it made luke a little nervous.

"what is it?" he asks slowly, sitting up as well.

"kat told me something the other day. care to explain?" calum asks as he crossed his arms across his chest.

and, yeah. luke knows exactly what calum is talking about. he knows he's screwed now. he thought he would be able to avoid this conversation, but he knows they weren't going to let it go. he was in the hospital for gods sake. knowing that, and he has insomnia is just the cherry on top.

"umm..." luke was trying his best to hide himself because calum just looked so intimidating right now.

"your sleeping is fucked, luke. you were in the damn hospital a few days ago because your body was so exhausted that you passed out. this isn't healthy luke, and you need to get help for this." calum says sternly.

ashton and michael don't say anything, they just look between luke and calum. they don't want to make luke think they are all disappointed in him, because they're not. they're just extremely worried about their boyfriend.

luke looks down at his hands and nods. "i know." he mumbles.

he knows he needs to get help, but he's so afraid. his fears and worries are still eating him up. he told his doctor that he was considering seeing a psychiatrist but still wasn't sure yet. he was told that there was no rush, but he does need to have an answer before next week. no rush, huh?

calum sighs and brings his boyfriend into his arms. "i care about you, we care about you, okay? just try, at least. please?" he whispers, lightly pressing kisses on his forehead, and his cheeks.

luke sighs and melts into the touch. he nods. "okay."

calum presses one last kiss to his forehead and ligers the touch for a few seconds. he pulls away and cups luke's cheeks, and he smiles. "thank you."

luke nods and curls back into calum's chest. he's so warm, and cuddly. there's no way he could stay away from him.

"i hope you guys know i'm thinking about seeing a psychiatrist." luke says quietly.

"wait, really?" ashton gasps.

luke nods. "my doctor said it would be a good option.. but i just don't know. i mean, what if it goes bad? i heard all of the side effects of the medicines and i really don't want that-"

"luke, baby.."

fuck me in the ass and call me jesus. he called me BABY.

luke's cheeks tinted pink at the nick name, and ashton smiled. "i know all of those side effects sound scary, but what if you don't have them? and if you do, you stop that medication immediately. do you really think they'll keep you on something that can make your feelings and thoughts dangerous?"

luke shakes his head.

"it's always okay just to try it. if you don't like it, we can try other options too. you've just have to have patience. don't let that fear keep you away from keeping you better. that fear will eat you up, love. i know how it feels, it will make you regret not making that choice in the future." michael says softly.

"okay..." luke whispers.

"okay what, darling?" calum asks.

"i-i'll try it." luke says, feeling a weight come off his shoulders.

they all smile, and calum kisses his head. "that's my boy."


sorry for the wait, i've been
editing and writing more
chapters. i'm also back in
school now, so that will
sadly interfere with my
updates and writing.

also, new username! i've
been wanting to change
it for a while because i
didn't want my instagram
and wattpad to had the same
username. (cough, follow
michaelssolos on instagram,

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