☾❙fifty five

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luke was just finishing up dinner when he heard the door open, and petunia's barks. he smiled when he heard the boys trying to shush her, and their voices only grew louder as they got closer to the kitchen.

"something smells good!" calum announces, sniffing the air and making his way to the stove.

"well it just got done, it just needs to cool off." luke says, smiling as calum pulls him into a hug and kisses his forehead.

god, he fucking loves this already. he wishes he would have realized his feelings sooner. he still feels guilty for making them wait so long. they all keep telling him that it's okay, but it still doesn't stop the guilt that eats up his stomach.

but hey, he still got what he wanted. they all did. it was all okay now, they are all okay and happy.

it's crazy how one person can change your life. how one person can make you feel like you're on top of the world.

"oi! stop hogging him!" michael whines, weakly pushing calum's arms.

calum only holds on tighter, and michael whined again and pushes more forcefully. "calum!"

calum only laughs at his reaction and looks down at the blonde beauty in his arms. damn, how did they get so lucky?

"c'mon cal, you're gonna make him upset." luke says, gently removing himself from calum's hold and embraces michael.

the guitarist immediately snuggles into luke's hold and sighs happily. "missed you."

luke runs his fingers through his hair and softly kisses the top of his head. "i missed you too."

michael hums, closing his eyes and only snuggles even closer if possible. luke's just so warm and just so cuddly. how could you not want to be so close?

when ashton starts protesting, luke playfully rolls his eyes and lets ashton embrace him. "you are all so selfish and greedy." he jokes, and they all look offended.

"nuh uh!"

"am not!"

"no i'm not!"

luke laughs and shakes his head. "i'm kidding. i'm one person, but i've got love for all of you. learn to share kids."

ashton scoffs at the word kids and mumbles words under his breath along the lines of 'i'm no kid, i'm a man.'

luke ignores the comment and gets plates out for the food. he fills glasses up with ice and some water and sets them down on the small table in the 'dining' area.

luke scoops out lasagna, that was vegan since calum was trying it out, on each plate, smiling at each 'thank you' he gets from his boyfriends. they eat with the discussion of what they all did today. apparently they needed to go to the studio because some recorded vocals and cords were deleted while the system had updated. they also had an interview to go to that was brought up last minute, but it was short thankfully.

"we're really close to finishing the album." calum says.

luke's eyes light up and he gasps. "really?!"

calum chuckles and nods. "there's still some notes missing, but i'd say in about, a month maybe," he looks at ashton and michael to confirm his guess, and they nod. "it should be finished and we'll release the date."

luke squeals. "i'm so excited oh my god, it's going to be so amazing i can feel it in my soul."

and sometimes they forget that luke is a fan of their band, but when he erupts in pure excitement and joy when they talk about the unreleased album, they don't seem to care. it wasn't like they didn't want to be with someone who was a fan, but it's just different. a good different. plus, his random fanboy moments are cute, but they wouldn't admit that.

"we'll make sure you're the first to hear it." ashton says, making luke only freak out more.

"shut the fuck up, you're kidding. please tell me you're joking." luke gasps, his eyes widening.

ashton shakes his head. "we agreed that you should listen to the album before it's released."

and luke felt like he was going to cry. he was going to hear the album before anyone else. is his heart still beating? is he still breathing? it doesn't feel like it, but he is.

"okay, i think that's enough excitement for tonight. we can't give luke a heart attack." michael laughs, picking up everyone's empty plate and putting them in the dishwasher.

luke was still frozen in his seat when they got up to go lay on the beds. they were tired, and just wanted to sleep, cuddle, and watch movies. it was almost concerning of how little luke was moving. it was like he was in shock, and he probably is.

"uh, luke, love? you okay there?" calum says, waving his hand in front of luke's face.

"uh huh," luke responds, still not moving from his spot.

"well, we're about to go lay in bed and watch some movies. do you want to join us?" he asks.

luke nods his head and slowly gets up from his seat. calum helps him to the bed, in case he falls in his steps or ends up fainting.

ashton noticed luke's state and raises his eyebrow. "is he good?"

calum shrugs and flops down on the bed after luke lays down, curling next to ashton and sighs when the drummer runs his fingers through his hair. michael comes in the room a few minutes later, apologizing for making them wait. they immediately told him that it was okay, and not to apologize. michael laid in the middle of the group, resting his head on luke's chest, and placing his hand on top of calum's.

luke shook his head, shaking himself out of whatever it was he was in. he cooed at the sight of michael, and gently started rubbing his back.

this is nice, he thought.

they played the movie, and luke immediately knew it was a marvel movie because of the intro. he absolutely loves marvel, almost as much as he loves his boyfriends.

is it too early for him to love them?

he feels like it is, but he's loved them since he first listened to their music. but this is a different love, a relationship love, a romantic love. it's not the same thing. love has many ways to be existent. family, friends, animals, significant others, and so much more.

so, does he feel a romantic love for them? maybe? just a little, but it's not full. he's only crushed on them for almost two months, he can't fall in love that fast.


luke doesn't know, and he also doesn't want to say anything. what happens if he finds out they all love him, but luke can't share those feelings back just yet? it's not a bad thing at all, but luke would feel extremely guilty and upset. one day he will have an unconditional love for them, but for now it's just a very very strong liking towards all of them.

either way, he's still so happy and grateful to be with them.

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