☾❙sixty eight

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tw : panic attack, mentions of physical and mental abuse, mentions of r*pe, mentions of s*icide attempts, use of the 'r' word

i will summarize what happened at the end if you choose not to read it. do not feel forced to read it. do not trigger yourself, please.

read at your own risk. i love you.


if they didn't know how to get to luke, they would have probably contacted kat, or maybe even the police. seeing luke in the state over the phone is scary and heartbreaking. he isn't responding to anyone.

ashton fears they won't make it in time. he's so scared luke is going to end up hurting himself, they all are. it just happened unexpectedly. there was no warning, but is there ever a warning when someone is about to have a panic attack?

the sound of luke gasping for breath and letting out heart breaking cries only made calum drive faster. he's worried about him, they all are.

michael had ashton's hand clutched in his and fought back tears at the sight and sound of luke. that is never a sight you want to see from someone you love. it is truly heartbreaking. ashton had the volume down on the lowest setting. he didn't want michael or calum to freak out even more than they are now. he constantly checked on luke, asking if he was okay and that they were almost there. he bit his lip anxiously, hoping they get to luke before the boy hurts even more than he is now.

calum pulled into a large parking lot and parked his car up front. he gave his boyfriends hats and jackets with hoods on them, and they quickly ran out of the car.

"luke, baby, we're here. we're right here." ashton says quietly.

they impatiently wait for the elevator to arrive on the third floor, and when it finally did, they sprinted out. ashton and michael followed calum closely, not wanting to miss any chance of getting to luke. he was their first priority right now.

calum knocked on the door frantically. "luke, please open the door."

"luke honey we're here. can you open the door for us?" ashton asks softly.

luke's cries only continue and he complete ignored ashton. he doesn't mean to, but his mind is only focused on one thing and one thing only. everything else is blocked out. any thought of calming down is gone. he can't. he doesn't know how.

he sees luke flinch at the loud knock, and he slowly looks up to the phone.


"it's us baby, please open the door." ashton says, calming luke's nerves of the thought of a stranger or intruder being at his door.

luke shakily stands up, and when he ends the call ashton knows he's on his way. the door clicks open, and they all rush inside. luke collapses into their hold and sobs loudly. seeing the state he is in, in person is extremely more heartbreaking than over the phone.

ashton can't help the tears that build up. he was so scared and so worried, and he still is. he doesn't know what's wrong or what caused this.

"luke baby, breathe. i need you to breathe, okay?" calum says shakily, cupping luke's cheeks and forcing him to look up at him.

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