☾❙thirty eight

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luke walked into the hotel where the boys were staying in. he could feel people's stares on him, and he thinks it's because petunia is trotting right by his side. she isn't exactly a small dog, but not large either. at least not yet, she still has some growing to do.

before luke could close the elevator doors, a worker stopped him.

"excuse me sir, but i don't think your dog is appropriate to be here. you can either leave her outside or come back later without her." the man said, trailing his eyes over petunia with disgust in his eyes.

"this is a pet friendly hotel correct?" luke asks.

"well, yes, but-"

"then she's allowed here. there shouldn't be a problem. now i have some people to meet." luke snaps, and closes the elevator door.

he sighs and looks down at petunia. he didn't understand why people don't like her. she hasn't done anything wrong. maybe it's because of the breed she is. maybe it's not as accepted as other dog breeds.

the elevator stopped at the third floor, and luke tugged on petunia's leash. she sniffed around the hallways, stopping when she smelled something strong. luke would have to lightly tug on her leash and direct her by his side again.

he finally got to the boy's hotel room and knocked on the door. he heard shuffling and a bit of arguing before the door opened. once ashton realized it was just luke, he opened the door wider and allowed him in.

they hugged for a short moment before entering the room. ashton closed the door behind him, and chuckled when he saw calum already gushing over petunia. he was squishing her face together and exclaimed of how cute she is.

luke would most likely have to keep a good eye on petunia. calum will probably want to kidnap her.

"how have you been?" ashton asks, sitting down on one of the leather chairs.

"good, how are you guys?" luke asks, sitting down in the other separate chair and unclipped petunia's leash from her pink collar.

she immediately jumped on luke's lap and he grunted.

"go sit with calum, he'll love you all you want." luke grunts out, gently pushing her off.

calum called for her and she ran off to him, not hesitating to jump on top of him.

"jesus, fuck!"

they spent the rest of the afternoon talking about almost everything. luke even teased about getting a sneak peak of a song they were working on, and ashton had only smirked and spoke.

"full plate, don't wait."

luke wasn't expecting it at all. he doesn't know if that's the title, or a lyric, or anything about it. he really didn't think ashton would actually tell him something about a song.

they had lost track of time, and the sky was now dark, and the time of the clock showed nine pm instead of two pm.

"it's getting late, so i should go now." luke says as he stands up.

"you can stay the night here." ashton suggests.

luke shakes his head. "i dunno. what about petunia? and your security guards?"

"petunia can stay here, and our security won't care. they know you're here." ashton says.

luke bit his lip. "where would i sleep? and i don't want to sleep in jeans."

"i can sleep on the couch tonight. you can sleep in my bed, and you can borrow some of our clothes." calum says.

luke shakes his head. "no, you need your bed. i'll just go home, it's fine."

"please? it'll be easier since we're going out tomorrow anyways. you wouldn't have to drive back here again." ashton pleads.

that, and they just want luke to stay longer. but they don't say that to luke. they don't want to seem desperate.

luke sighs. "fine, but i'm sleeping on the couch."

calum shakes his head. "no can do blondie, you're taking my bed whether you like it or not."

luke huffs and plops back down in his seat. "i hate you."

"love you too." calum replies, blowing him a kiss.

luke rolled his eyes playfully and smiles. even though he hates that he's taking calum's bed, he's happy that they trust him enough to stay in the same room as them tonight.


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