January 28, 1997

898 120 38

Dear Diary,

Oh my gosh! Diary! Ahhhh! You wouldn't believe what happened to me tonight! My emotions were rolling like crazy since earlier! Help! Huhuhuhu!

I just home from the party. Yes, I went to the event. I was with Minjung and Inna for the whole party. But before that, let me tell you this...

After what happened that night with Bin at the park, I went to their house the next day and asked his eomma if what happened to Bin, what time did he went home, and where was he... I couldn't believe it at first when his eomma told me that Bin didn't go home that night. He got home at ten in the morning instead. So... I knocked on his door because I wanted to talk to him.

After a few knocks, he opens it, and I saw him with eyes looking down on the floor. He looked really stressed, but he lets me steps inside his room and told me that we should talk. Immediately, I answered him that we should! I deserve an explanation from him... He was the one who left me, but I was still worried about him! When I got inside, I took a seat on the chair beside his study table while Bin seated at the end side of his bed... I asked him first what happened. He didn't look at me, and he was clasping his fingers above his thighs. I really don't know what to feel, diary, when he said "I'm sorry for leaving you at the park last night, Yej... I found out that Kyo—" Hmmmp! Even before he could finish his words, I stood up, went closer to him, and punch his arm... I understand that it was about his girlfriend, but how could he do that to me? Is that really how unimportant I am to him now? Where was the Bin I knew before who always protects me and very caring for me? Where was my old best friend? He leaves me there like a dog without an owner!!! Huhuhuhu!!! :(

I kept punching him, diary!!! I was so mad... I tried to keep my tears from falling, and thankfully, I didn't cry in front of him... He keeps saying sorry to me, but I said to him that this time, I will be the one to ask a favor from him... "Let's just forget each other, Bin... I don't need a friend like you anymore. Thank you for the twelve years of friendship!!!" Then I walk towards the door and got out of his room. He tried to follow me, but I ran going home as much as I could... Huhuhu! I give up, diary! I am soooo tired! I really had enough! Yes, the moment I got inside our house, I cried my heart out again in my room... I promise that was the last time I will cry over this! My eomma saw me, and she followed me to my room... I hugged my eomma so tight, and I told her everything that happened. She comforted me and reminded me again how precious I am, and I don't deserve any of these heartaches... She stayed in my room and didn't leave me until I felt better. I thank God for giving me a family like them. I should stand up for them, diary... I don't want them to keep me seeing like this!

The morning came, and I felt a little better after I loosened everything last night to my eomma... I went to school as if nothing happened. I cheered myself up! I focused my attention on our classes, and enjoy the day with my girlfriends... I didn't see him. Bin didn't attend the class for the whole day yesterday, and it helped me a lot to breathe! The next morning came, and still, Bin didn't go to school... Well, I don't care anymore! I should totally free myself from thinking about him. I ended our friendship anyway! I have decided and made sure to move on this time around...

All of us went home after lunch break earlier since we only have a half-day class. You know, it's our freshmen's night party, so our teachers let us go home for us to prepare ourselves for the event... I don't have any choice, diary, but to wear the black dress that my sachon gave me. Eomma fixed my hair into a slight curly style, and she puts a very light pink lipstick on my lips... I want to enjoy the night with my classmates and girlfriends, so I let myself look pretty a little.

I went to school at around six-thirty in the evening earlier since the party will start at seven pm sharp... Also, Minjung and Inna said to me that we will meet outside the gymnasium first, so we can go inside together. Minjung wears a maroon dress while Inna wears a dark green one. They also looked so pretty, and I'm glad that my dress just blended with the event's setup... The party indeed began at seven, and we took seats at the tables and chairs where our other classmates were gathered. There were presentations from other students, there were games and some awarding from our teachers. However, during the whole program, I didn't see Bin as well as his girlfriend... Yes, I got curious, but I immediately washed my thoughts about them when all the students went to the center of the gym and began dancing... Hahaha! I'm not good at dancing, so I just stayed in my seat... Grrr! How can I escape when Minjung and Inna started dragging me without stopping waving dancing and giggling in front of me? Hahaha... Ok, fine! I granted their wish and danced along with them... Thank god that the light got dimmed and no one can really see how bad I moved my arms and waved my hips...

While we were dancing, I noticed Inna took her pager from her pouch and whispered to Minjung... I was so lost in what they were talking about until Inna holds my hand and Minjung covered my eyes. They then drag me carefully a few steps away from where we danced... While we were walking, I kept asking them where we were going, but they said I just need to keep quiet and follow them... Ahrrrg! I really hate them, because when Minjung moved her hands away from my eyes, I heard steps running away from me... When I opened my eyes, I realized I was under a tree not far away from the gymnasium... I kept looking around, hoping to find my girlfriends, but I couldn't find them. My heart began beating fast when I heard footsteps going closer behind my back. Omo! Diary! I was really nervous because the next thing I knew, a tall, handsome and cute boy stood up in front of me. Errrr! Then, he offered his hand and said... "Nice to finally see you again, Yej... I'm G.S by the way. Go Soo."

Ahhhh!!! Yes, yes, yes!!! You read it right, diary! Finally, I was able to meet him for real! Waaaah! I was really screaming inside... Hahahaha! I didn't have any idea that I would be able to meet him tonight! Oh my gosh! Hihihi... Inna's family has superb genes indeed! I swear!

I was really shy, diary... Hahaha! We talked for quite a while at the bench under that tree. He keeps saying to me that I was so pretty, and he couldn't believe that we're not talking through letters anymore... Aww! He's so cute... It was my first time to experience that kind of meet up, and my girlfriends keep giggling at our back. Hahaha!

When the party was over and students were slowly going out of the gymnasium, we all went out of the school and bid our goodbyes to each other... However, before Minjung and I could walk towards our different ways, Inna drags our hands and said that they will send us home since their family driver will fetch them...

And yes, that's how I went home and how my freshman night became memorable! Hehehe... I really had fun, diary! And finally, I was able to meet the mysterious G.S boy! Aww, I should stop calling him like that, right? Hahaha...

Goodnight, diary!!! I think I will be going to have a good sleep tonight... Annyeong!


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