March 3, 1997

999 109 5

Dear Diary,

Happy Monday! Hehe... Bin and I just got to our separate homes a few hours ago after school. It's still six in the evening right now, and I just finished having dinner with my family.

Yesterday, Bin and I only spent a short time together. Well, technically, we were together in one place but a little distant from each other because we were with our family in the church. Even when the mass was still ongoing, I couldn't hold my little giggles because Bin kept taking short glances at me. Hmmm... I also think our eommas were trying their best to protect our relationship from my appa. I feel sad thinking that again. I don't want to hide a secret from him, and I know that my appa deserves to know the truth, but I'm still not sure if I'm ready to tell him our relationship right now. I've been telling you about this, diary, and you know that I'm still afraid of his possible reaction, right? Hays, I think we still need time... A little more time... I'm sure there's a perfect time for that... I hope my appa will understand why we didn't tell him sooner about my relationship with Bin someday. Hopefully...

I am just thankful that both of our eommas are so understanding to us. My eomma yesterday even told me that if Bin and I decide to tell our relationship to my appa, she'll make sure that she'll be there to support us. Hays! My eomma is really the best eomma ever! I am so lucky to be her daughter...

Earlier at school, Bin and I really had a good time together. We are really inseparable, diary. Hehe! He always makes me feel giddy everytime we are together. Wherever I go, he always follows me. Hmmm... My boyfriend is so clingy, isn't he? Hehehe... He even asked my seatmate to change seats with him because he wanted to always stay beside me even during our class lessons. He's also becoming sweeter and sweeter every single day. He never forgets to pick me flowers every morning! I hope he won't be scolded by his eomma when she finds out that her mini garden is slowly becoming flowerless! Hahahaha! Haysss... Bin is so silly! 

Also, I'm so happy, diary, because Bin and I did a good job earlier during our exam and quizzes. Our brainstorming last Saturday really helped a lot though... you know, something happened after that, hahaha! Oh my gosh, I still couldn't forget about it. I still can't move on to what happened to us inside their stockroom. Hmmm... Bin and I also didn't dare to discuss it, diary. Maybe we just don't want to feel awkward with each other. Haysss... I know what we did was not right. We are still too young to go on that level yet, right? Huhuhuhu! I think we're just making things hurry. I also felt guilty because I remembered the limitations that eomma told me the other day. Bin and I totally forgot about it at that time because of our curiosity. Hays...

Anyway! Diary, I'm so excited because our teacher earlier announced that we're going to have our class field trip next week... We will go to Jeju for two days and one night! Ahhh! I can't wait because it's going to be my first class field trip with Bin as my boyfriend. Hehehe! It's going to be our first outing together since we dated, and I was thinking to give him a surprise gift. Hmmm... You know, I wasn't able to give him a Christmas gift because I got mad at him when I found out he's dating another girl and he hid it from me... 

Oh, by the way! Speaking of that... You know what? I have something to tell you... Earlier after our lunch break, Minjung, Inna, and I went to the soccer field because our class adviser ordered us to collect the balls and return them to the gym. Bin at that time wasn't with us because he was called by his baseball coach... Hmmm, when my girlfriends and I got there, I saw Bin's ex-girlfriend sitting at the bleachers in front of the soccer field. Hyekyo was seated with a guy from our campus, and I think there's something going on with them. Even Minjung and Inna said that it looks like they're flirting because Kyo keeps leaning towards that guy and even giggling... Well, I'm not actually interested in what's going on with my boyfriend's ex, but I just can't help to wonder what really is the reason why they broke up before? I thought they were so in love with each other because Bin even made a choice to choose Hyekyo over our friendship... Yes, I still didn't forget about it though Bin and I were now already dating. I wanted to ask him about their past, but I didn't have the courage to do so... I don't know. Huhuhu! Maybe I'm afraid to get hurt or to get jealous if he'll tell me what they're doing before when they were still dating... Huhuhu! I don't want to imagine or know that Bin also kissed her or... Huhuhu! You know, more than that? Ahhhhh! I don't want to know... Well, it's better that she's flirting with another guy right now because I will never ever let her go closer with Bin again! He's mine now, and I don't want any girls to go closer to my boyfriend... Hmmmp!

Nevertheless, after our class, Bin and I walked together going home. We didn't ride his bike... He left it at our campus and we were just walking beside the street while holding hands. Hehehe! He really won't let go of me even when we already arrived near our houses. When we arrived near their gate, he said that he wanted to go to the park with me, but I kindly declined him because I promised eomma earlier in the morning that I'll go home early after class to help her prepare our dinner. Hays... Bin's face really went down earlier, and I felt he got quite disappointed... But the moment I kissed him on the cheek, his face brightens again with excitement. Hehehe! My boyfriend is really clingy and he even did aegyo when he asked me to kiss him on the lips... My gosh! I was so shy because we were beside the street in our neighborhood, and I was a bit nervous. Hmmm... What if someone will see us, right? Of course, I don't want other people to think that we are high school students flauntingly flirting in public... Hehe... But, hays! You know Bin, he's really a persistent one, so he was the one to quickly kiss me on the lips instead! Ahhhrg!

Tomorrow, we'll visit his halmoni's street food stall because Bin told me that he wanted to introduce me to her as his girlfriend. Ehhh! Hehehe... I don't know what halmoni's reaction will be. Will she be shocked? Hmm... I missed her fish cakes and tteokkboki so much... I cannot wait to see her tomorrow with Bin. I hope she will be happy for us!

Uhmm... Diary, I think I also need to think right now what gift I will give to Bin in our class field trip, right? What should I give him? A shirt? Shoes? Hmmm... Of course, I don't want to give him that baseball cap anymore since he already has that exact cap from Kyo... Do you have any suggestions? Hmmmm... I hope I can find the best gift for him!

Goodnight in advance, diary... Mwuah!


Love, YejinWhere stories live. Discover now