February 6, 1997

692 113 25

Dear Diary,

Morning! Yes, I'm writing this for you at eleven twenty-two in the morning... My appa called our class adviser earlier that I won't be attending school today because eomma has a fever and I need to take care of our baby Jisoo. Bin's eomma is also here to help me since appa brought eomma to the hospital for a check-up. Good thing our baby Jisoo is asleep right now and Bin's eomma is looking after her, that's why I have the time right now to write. I'm so worried about my eomma, diary... But she will be okay, right? It's just only a mild fever and eomma wanted to stay at home, but you know, my app is an overdramatic person. They're so cute, but I just really hope that my eomma's fever will go down after her check-up and taking medicine. Haysss...

Anyway, for the past few days, a lot has happened to me at school, diary... But I am thankful that I have friends like Minjung and Inna who were always there for me. They're really helping me a lot in many ways. Especially when I almost lost the funds I collected for our class project. Yes, I was assigned to collect the money from my classmates. Hays! It happened last Tuesday... As far as I can remember, I put the money in my pink pencil case. I really don't know what exactly happened when after our last subject, I can't find my pencil case. Huhuhu! I really got panicked because I need to hand it to our teacher before going home. I'm just glad that Minjung, Inna, and I roam around our classroom, and we found it behind the door. Maybe it slipped in my bag, and I just didn't notice it... Hays!

Oh, let's talk about my knight in black high school uniform... Hehe! You know what? He always fetches me from home and from school everyday. Of course, Inna should always be there which is really okay for me. Go Soo and I are really slowly getting to know each other, diary... Every after school, he also calls me on the telephone. I don't know why, but I'm having fun talking about different kinds of stuff with him. He's a good person, diary... He's warm and very considerate. Yesterday, he asked me if it's okay with me to have a picnic this coming Saturday. Uhmm... I said I'll think about it and I need to ask permission from my parents first. Do you think Go Soo has something to say to me on Saturday? Because when he asked me about the picnic, he sounds very serious. Ahrg! I don't want to assume right now, so we'll see... To be honest, I can't help but feel a little excited, diary. I'm going to have my first date with Go Soo? Oh my god! It's a date, right? Hehehe...

Well, for those days... Bin still keeps on annoying me, diary! Everytime he's not with Kyo, he was always trying to talk to me... So during our classroom officer election last Wednesday, I didn't vote for him. Yes, he ran for classroom president. I know he deserves the spot. Bin is always on top of our class, in every subject actually. In short, he's good at everything. But except as a best friend. Duh! I don't have the need to explain more about that, diary... You know why already!

When our adviser started the voting, she called us one by one to go on the blackboard to cast our vote for our desired class president. Because of my annoyance at Bin, I voted for Park Hyojoo instead... When I was walking back to my seat, I really saw Bin's eyes followed me, looking so disappointed. I quite felt bad, but I really don't care! Grrrr! I'm angry at him that's why I did it! What got me angrier is, after our class that day, he drags again to the classroom next to ours. I really felt scared the moment he locked the door. Then, he went pretty close to me that I can almost hear his own breaths... Uhhrg! If you only knew how much I tried to avoid his firing gaze at me, diary... But I took all my courage and asked him what he needs from me. Ahhhh!!! I really gulped hard when he said "Are you really trying to get on my nerves, Yej?" What? What did he mean by that? Me, trying to catch his attention? No way! I really want to punch him, diary! How dare he think of me that way? Grrr!!! So I laughed at him, then he said "If you want that, just tell me... We can talk about that!" Ahhhrg!!! I don't want him to see how my face became so red, so I immediately ran, without looking back at him... Grrr!!! What's wrong with him, diary? He's so feeling cool!!! I hate him!!!

And here's something interesting... Yesterday at the school library, I was looking for the book I need for our history subject. While I was trying to scan the books on the big shelves, I heard whispering voices not far away from where I stood... I slowly walked, following the sounds I am hearing. The more I am getting closer, the more I can recognize one of the voices. I quickly hide when I saw Bin and Kyo facing each other. It looks like they were arguing about something. Then after a few minutes, I saw Kyo ran outside the library and Bin ran after her... I got really curious, dairy, so I followed them. But I made sure that they cannot see me. I found them on the rooftop. You know, oh my god, when I arrived there, I saw Bin shouting in front of Kyo. Meanwhile, Kyo was crying so hard and she's trying to reach Bin's hand... I looked at Bin's actions and face, and he completely looks so mad. They were really fighting! And I think Kyo really did something wrong because why would Bin act like that towards her, right? I actually don't want to stay longer because it's their personal matter, but I can't move my legs... It feels like my feet were glued on the floor. However, when I saw Kyo trying to kiss Bin, oh my god, I can no longer hold it and I ran down the stairs as much as I could... I felt like my heart is going to drop, diary! Ahrrrg!

When I went back to our classroom, Bin arrived after how many minutes. I can still see his anger ranging around his face... I have to admit that there's a part of me that wants to comfort him, but I don't have the guts! I took a deep breath and recollect myself... Duh! Why would I care? We're not friends anymore. I washed that thought in my head and decided to give my attention to Minjung and Inna instead... After class, I saw him sitting at the bench near the baseball court. He looks like he's in deep thought. His elbows rested on top of his knees and his palms covering his face... Their problem must be really serious because he looks so bothered.

Hays! I shouldn't be curious anymore, right? I shouldn't care what's happening to Bin... Ahrg! Whatever!


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