Chapter 37

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Talia's POV


The phone was knocked out of my hand by one of their men. The man then stepped on the phone until I heard a crack, signaling it was broken beyond repair.

"You're lucky the boss wanted you unharmed." he seethed.

I huffed and sat back on my chair. I knew if I tried anything now, it wouldn't get me anywhere and I would just lose more energy. I knew for a fact that I had given the boys my location by opening the phone. My only chance now is to see if they can get me the hell out of here. The security was very tough.

I didn't know how long it has been but I dozed off on the chair. The sound of the metal door forcefully opening snapped me out of my sleep.

"Good news princess, you're father has arrived," Patrick came in.

This immediately caught my attention.

"Now get up. I need to tie you up in case you try something funny." He came forward holding a rope.

My arms were then yanked by him and forced tied up behind my back. Out of the blue, something was placed in my mouth too.

I saw the bastard smirking as he let me go.

"Just a little something to make sure those unwanted remarks and comments don't come out of your mouth." He walked to the door and knocked on it.

After a few moments, men started piling in and seizing me out of the room. The bright lights nearly blinded my eyes. The hallways all looked identical until we got to somewhere that looked like a dock.

There was a ship parked near us and I saw cartons of drugs and illegal weapons stacked on top of each other.

My mind only had one thing replaying, it was the "run" meme urging me to make a run for it. I know I make stupid mistakes but this wasn't one of those times.

If I for once make a "run" for it, I would either end up drowning or getting shot in the ass. These were some of those times I had to bite my pride and stay calm.

After a few minutes of aimlessly standing in the middle of the place, black SUVs and cars pulled up. My family and the boys come out wearing black amour and guns loaded up. They don't look happy and neither do the people holding me.

"Ah, Vanderbilt, so nice of you to finally join us." Patrick's father started.

"If you so much hurt a hair on her body, I will end you!" My father got pissed.

"Now Now, why must we make such violent comments. Don't you want to greet your old friend first?" He made a sickening grin.

"Friend is lost term Gambino. You either give up my daughter or I destroy this place." My father threatened.

"You do that, you lose your precious daughter." Gambino eyes got suddenly darker.


"Dimitri, control your son." He then got up from where he was sitting.

As he got closer to me, everyone instantly tensed up. He took my arms and grabbed me.

"What do you want Bane?" this time, my father asked calmly.

"What I want? What I want! I want revenge! A life for a life. You took my wife from me!" He suddenly screamed next to me.

"Don't forget it was YOU who started the war and your bullet missing me and hitting her. Do not blame me for YOUR mistake." my father argued.

"No no no! I don't want any of your excuses. I want my revenge and I want it now!"

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