Chapter 33

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Some people might argue that going to bed is the hardest part of the day. What they don't know is waking up is twice as hard.

My phone alarm blasted that horrible ringtone and I instantly groan. The sound of my alarm was one of the sounds on earth I wanted to destroy.

Looking like a toad, I got up and headed off to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror and tried to rub the sleep off my eyes.

I took a quick shower and changed into my school uniform. I put on some quick mascara and some lip gloss since I didn't feel like doing the full-blown make-up routine.

I grabbed my backpack and walked down the stairs to smell toast. Yum.

Aiden and Tristen were sitting there as usual sipping their morning coffee.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Morning," they said in unison.

When I finished my breakfast, I spotted my bodyguards near the front door.

I got up to greet them.

"I'm surprised you even got the energy to get up today." Jackson teased.

"Well, what can I say? I wanted to stay up late and I will pay my price." I answered.

I got in my driver's car while Jackson and Drake followed us behind with theirs.

When I got to school, everyone was all so giddy with seeing their friends again.

I tried to find mine all around the school while I get to my first period.

I finally found them lounging in their seats in calculus class.

"Alex! Gabriel!" I shrieked.

They embraced me and I let out a breath. God, I missed them.

Both Alex and Gabriel was looking at me with a glint in their eyes.

"I heard you gave Tyler and Nathan trouble last night," Alex smirked.

"No, I did not. I barely just went there to greet them after my long voyage." I took my seat.

"No,  you made us play Uno!" Tyler turned towards Gabriel, "Uno man! Do you know how that will make us look?"

"It'll make you look worse if you keep clawing at me like an animal." Gabriel narrowed his eyes.

"Morning class." Finally, the teacher walked in.

When it was lunch, we all sat together and talked about everything.

"Talia, your birthday is coming up isn't it?" Alex started.

"Oh yeah, I'm finally turning 17 like you guys." I smiled.

"Hm too bad we're going off to 18," Nathan smirked.

"Who cares about what your age is! Talia your birthday better be sick like last year, " Tyler turned to me, "You should have seen the look on your father's face as you decided to get monkeys for your party."

"What? I like monkeys. They're so full of energy." I protested.

"Well, you better have something in mind this year," Nathan said.

"I will. I always do." I thought.

When school ended, I got home and tried to brainstorm a plan for my upcoming birthday next week.

Last year, I chose the theme colour to be white and blue and everything was very girly and floral.

I wanted to try something different this year. I can't do the angel theme cause I chose that when I was 15.

Then suddenly, I got the best idea.

I wanted everything to be black and dark. I always loved wearing black outfits because it makes me feel badass and confident. Not to mention how good the boys would look in dark suits.

I could be the fallen angel and the boys could be my devils. Oo how fun.

I could get a black matte birthday cake and dim the lights.

I couldn't wait to tell the boys that so we could get ready for it.

I ran down the stairs and almost tripped when I saw my dad in the living room with some of his business partners. I thought I should be polite and went over to greet them.

"Is this your beautiful daughter Dimitri?" asked one of them.

"Yes indeed. Come, Talia, we were just talking about you." My father called me over.

"Hello." I smiled at them.

"We were just discussing how our company would get more awareness and sales if we had an ambassador who is young and successful." My father explained.

"Wait you don't mean-"

"Yes, Talia. Would you consider being an ambassador for our company? I heard from the fathers of your friends that they are pushing them into their family business and I thought you should also get some experience" My father added.

"Yes, it would be an honour." I smiled brightly.

"Alright then, we'll discuss this further later." My father hugged me.

After saying goodbye to all his business partners, I was overly excited at my new job in the company. I always wanted something to do but since I had two older brothers, they just took the responsibilities for me.

I then called Alex asking him where he was. He told me he was still at his company and that he was nearly done.

After a while, I arranged for us four to meet at our favourite pizza place. Alex said that he would pick me up since he was already done.

His car then pulled up after about 15 minutes. He came out of the car wearing his suit with his hair all ruffled up.

I giggled as I walked over to his car.

"Have you been pulling on your hair again?" I grinned.

"Those old men at the company think everything they say is right and never listen to newer opinions. I'm sick of all of them. If I take over, I'm firing them all." He frowned.

"There there, I don't think your father would like that very much." I tried to make his hair neater.

He grabbed my hand and pushed me into his car. I looked up at him as he closed my side of the car door. I smiled to myself, yup, he's very pissed.

When we reached the pizza place, we show the other three already ordering their favourites.

I did a surprise attack on Tyler and he attempted to tickle me but I moved away.

"We already ordered for you guys so do you want anything else?" Gabriel asked.

"Nope, I'm fine." We went over to one of the seats.

"So, what did you want to say to us that I quote was immensely important," Nathan questioned as he took a sip of his soda.

"I just figured out what I wanted the theme to be for my birthday," I exclaimed.

"I'm going for all dark this year. You guys can wear your favourite black suits." I explained.

"Well that's a change but sure, I'm on board," Tyler said while bringing over the pizza.

"Oh and one more thing, I just became Vanderbilt Enterprises's new brand ambassador." I smile widely.

Before anyone tried to say anything, Alex spoke out first.

"I don't approve."



I did a triple update. You're welcome 😉

Thank you for your support, stay safe!

Laura 🪐✨

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