Chapter 21

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Alexander's POV


Talia ran to the bathroom and threw up in the sink. We follow after her to help her out. I held her hair up and Gabriel held her back.

"You guys go find some water and medicine," I say to Tyler and Nathan.

"Fuck Talia. Why do you put yourself at risks like this? You knew you couldn't drink too much." I scolded.

Gabriel went out and came back with a towel. Talia was fortunately done by the time Gabriel came back. I helped her get up and she looked back at me with tears in her eyes.

Tyler and Nathan came back with a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin.

"Tyler do you have a spare shirt?" I asked.

He nodded and went back to his bedroom. I took the towel Gabriel brought and helped rinse Talia up. I peeled off Talia's top and her skirt. I soaked up the towel with warm water and rinsed her body with it.

After I was done rinsing her body, I wrapped her with another towel and took her back inside the bedroom. Tyler was standing holding his shirt and both Gabriel and Nathan were sitting on the bed.

All eyes whipped to us when we exited the bathroom. I lay Talia on the bed and grabbed Tyler's shirt.

Talia was barely conscious now and tears were streaming down her face. The reason we were all so protective of her is because of this. She tries to act strong but inside she was just a little kitten that needed to be protected. Talia would always cry when she was in pain or discomfort. It would take all 4 of us to calm her down. We all promised to take care of her since she was young to her father and brothers.

When I tried to get Talia to sit up so I could slip Tyler's shirt on, she whined and didn't cooperate.

Tyler came over and held her hand, "Come on princess. It's okay. We need to get you changed because you can't sleep with just your bra."

She finally bulged and I quickly slipped Tyler's shirt on. Gabriel came over with the medicine and water. I helped her drink it and tucked her in Tyler's bed.

We all made a move to go but I felt Talia grabbed my hand.

"No, please. Stay with me. Don't go." Talia pleaded.

We all looked at each other and finally sighed.

"Okay, Tyler and I will stay with Talia. They is a guest room next door. Can you two go down and shut down the party. I don't think the loud bases and a hungover girl is going to work" I told them.

Nathan and Gabriel nodded and walked over to an asleep Talia and gave a kiss to the forehead each. When they went out of the room, Tyler and I took our shirts off. We both got in each of Talia's sides and pulled up the duvet.

Tonight has been a pretty hard night. We had to sit and watch her down drink after drink and watch males check out her body. I wanted to punch something and someone really and but Gabriel stopped me from making a scene. We were all on the edge of our seats and ready to kill anyone.

When a guy groped her delicate body and grind on her, it was the last straw. Gabriel couldn't stop me and I came over there to rip the boy apart.

I was ready to do anything but when I saw Talia's face, all the hatred went away and all I could see was her protection.

I looked over to see Tyler staring at Talia with loving eyes. He caressed her cheeks and tucked in a strand of her hair.

We looked at each other and smiled. We pulled Talia closed to us and drifted off to sleep.

Knowing she was safely tucked between me and Tyler, my mind was at peace.

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