Chapter 4

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Tugging my sweater up, I shivered as the cool air hit my bare shoulders. When I got home, I changed into my silk PJs quickly and did my homework. After a while, I decided to take a nap and threw the huge blanket over me.

I only woke up from my nap when I heard shoutings downstairs. I walked down the stairs and saw my brothers argue. Hmm...Italian. It's never good. When Aiden and Tristen starts arguing in Italian, it becomes really heated. They would swear like a sailor. I couldn't tell what they were saying because my Italian was not as good as theirs. I only had a short period of time to learn it while they had to learn it their whole lives.

Their conversation stops when they saw me making my way down. I walked over to them and sat down on the couch beside Aiden. I leaned my head on him and he kissed my head.

A few moments later, a few of what I assume is Tristen's men walked in. I know, Tristen already has his very own men. It's because dad thinks he's ready and can take on his role. I mean he's not wrong. Tristen can be one hell of a mafia boss.

"You wanted to see us sir?" asked one of the men.

"Almando is on it again," said Tristen. "I want them gone, for good. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir," they replied in unison.

"Now go. Don't come back until your job is done," yelled Tristen harshly.

Just on the moment, dad walks in. He has a revolver in his hand. He nods to my brothers and they both started going out of the room. That was so weird, they always ignored me on occasions. I felt very left out.

The revolver was tucked into a strap. Dad always takes them to the shooting ranges and leaves me out. 

"Piccola, your brothers and I have an important meeting to attend to in London. We won't be back for at least 3 days. I want you to stay with one of the boys. I don't trust you alone here." said my dad.

"Oh. Okay then. I'll tell the boys." I replied.

"Behave," he warns with a hint of a smile on his face.

He smiled at me and petted my head. He walked out with the rest of his men.

The next day at school, I went to my first period only to find all the boys there. Alex gave me a pointed look that signaled me to sit next to them. I ended up sitting between Alex and Nathan with Gabriel and Tyler behind us.

We had to self study for the rest of the class. Tyler keeps playing with my hair while Nathan converse with Alex. Gabriel and me were the only ones actually self studying. Then a thought hit me.

"Boys. My father and my brothers are going to London for a least three days. He told me to stay at one of your houses."

"You can stay at mine," said Alex sternly.

The boys didn't argue about it. Alex was somehow their leader. It wasn't stated but everyone just knew it. He had this aura around him that makes people want to drop everything and obey him. It might be also because he was relatively older than them. 

We were all finally working on our school work when suddenly I felt a hand on my lap. It was Nathan's.

He leaned in and whispered, "We weren't finished yet."

"Focus on your work Talia," said Alex in a low voice.

I sucked in a breath and both Nathan and Alex smirked at this. They both were teasing me and they knew it.

Before my torture got any worse, the bell saved me. Thank god. I didn't know how much of that I could take.

When I packed my bags and got ready, I saw Tyler and Gabriel looking at me with amusement.

I attracted the attention of the whole group. They always did this, teaming up against me. I should start bringing a girl to the friend group. That would even be the playing field.

I sighed while biting the tip of the pencil. 

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