Chapter 27

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"Grandma!" I squealed.

"Oh, my darling girl. Look how big you've grown." Grandma smiled at me.

I sprinted into the living room and hugged my grandma.

"What about me Talia?" Grandpa teased.

I also threw myself on grandpa and embraced him.

I always loved it when Grandma and Grandpa came. They always showered me with gifts and spent a lot of time with me.

Since my family was very busy, they didn't really have a lot of time to spend time.

Tristan and Aiden were sitting on the couch while my father was sitting on the armchair.

Grandpa was sipping his coffee while Grandma sat and put her arms around my waist.

"Mother, why have you come here?" My father asked.

"Dear son? Have you forgotten? It's almost Christmas!" My Grandma chuckled.

"Of course, he's forgotten. He's always busy with his work and his sons are now following in his steps. I hope you don't ignore my precious granddaughter?" My Grandpa raised his eyebrows.

"Father, she's as precious to me as she is to you." My father replied.

"Now come. It's almost dinner." My father announced.

I thanked the cook as she served me some pasta.

My father sat at the end of the table with my brothers and grandpa at his side.

Grandma and I sat together so we can gossip while the others talk about what boring business. 

"So, how's school?" Grandma asked me.

"Well, Saturday is the Winter Formal," I replied.

"Winter Formal huh? How exciting. Have you picked out a dress?" Grandma beamed.

"Yes! I'll show you when we get upstairs. I picked it out with the boys." I beamed.

"The boys?" She asked.

"Alex, Gabriel, Tyler, Nathan..." I explained.

"Ahh yes. Them. It's been quite a while since I've seen them. So which one's your boyfriend?" Grandma asked bluntly.

"Grandma! No one! We are all best friends. Like we've always been since we were young." I blushed.

"Hahaha. Darling, you should snatch one of them before they grow up into great men. All of them are very worthy suitors." Grandma teased.

"Grandma! Don't put those thoughts in Talia's head. She's too young." Aiden scowled.

"Oh alright alright. But keep them in mind Talia. That's how I got your grandpa. He was my destined best friend." Grandma winked.

"Oh boy. Your grandma was a tough one." Grandpa shrugged.


The day before the Winter Formal was chaotic.

Well, I'm my house. The maids were busy running up and down on the stairs for our yearly tradition.

Dinner with the boys' family. We took turns to host it but this year it was our turn.

I nearly dropped my coffee bottle when a maid rushed between me and the stairs.

She apologized but I said that it was okay and to not rush.

I didn't understand why they were trying to rush things. It wasn't like we were having dinner with the queen.

When I walked outside, I saw Grandma helping arrange the Christmas tree and the decorations.

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