Chapter 17

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I woke up the next day with my head pounding. Ugh, hangovers. Why did I drink that much at the winery.

I got ready for school and put on my uniform. I really didn't want to go to school. It was exhausting. I walked downstairs and almost went tumbling down.

My brothers were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

"Talia, how much did you drink last night?" Tristen asked.

I looked at him with sleepy eyes and continued pouring my milk.

"How can you get that drunk on champagne?" Aiden asked.

"Uh Alex took me to his winery last night," I explained truthfully.

"No wonder. Talia, you need to stop putting yourself at risks like that." Tristen scolded.

I laughed internally, I couldn't even imagine how they would react if I said I smoked.

I pouted then ate my cereal. Aiden sighed and said, "Jackson and Drake are driving you to school."

"You said I didn't need to see them," I say looking up.

"No, I said they wouldn't bother you. Now, hurry up, don't be late for school too Sorella." Tristen says standing up and walked off to his office.

After I was done with breakfast, I kissed Aiden goodbye and got in the car. Once we got to school, I didn't even bother finding the boys and went straight inside. Once I got to my locker, I felt a presence behind me.

"Oh don't you look like shit." Tyler grinned.

I whined and slapped his shoulder.

"You have not idea how much crap I'm in," I say.

"Well, how would we know. Your brothers dragged you off last night. Or did you forget that?" Alex says.

We walked together to class while talking about last night.

"I couldn't convince my father to lose the bodyguards," I say.

"I agree with them," Gabriel says.

"What? You're supposed to be on my side Gab." I say shocked.

"It's just a necessary precaution. We wouldn't want to see you hurt. Plus, we all know how stubborn you are." Gabriel replied.

I sighed and slumped down into my seat in class. Today was a shitty day.

"Class, we're finish off the Calculus for today." The teacher says walking in.

We had to work on some problems and I was suffering. I groaned out loud and put my head on the table. I felt a hand on my head and I looked up.

"Do you need help?" Alex chuckled in amusement.

I pouted and just picked up my pencil. He ruffled my hair and started explaining the problems. He was really patient and trust me, I wasn't a excelling student right now.

The bell finally rang and the other 3 boys came to us. Nathan sat on my desk and Tyler sat next to Alex. Gabriel stood behind me. They were all marveling at my misery. Alex said that I couldn't leave until I finish my work. Tyler eventually put me out of my misery by slamming my book close.

"Come on, let's just go to lunch. Finish this later." Tyler says while grabbing my hand.

I was beyond happy and walked away with him. Alex sighed from behind us but followed us anyways.

"Tyler, you're spoiling her too much." Alex groaned.

"Come on Alex, you can never spoil a princess too much." Tyler grinned.

I giggled and skipped to lunch. We grabbed our food and sat at our usual table. Nathan walked over from the cafeteria door and dropped something on the table. Advil.

"Thanks," I say before taking it with water. We we eating and the boys were chatting about every topic you can think of.

School finally ended and I was relieved. But my happiness was short-lived when Alex strutted towards me in the hallway. I grabbed my bag as quickly as I could and started to go back but bumped into a hard chest. Oh no. Gabriel.

The 4 cornered me slowly and I was sandwiched between a locker and 4 very strict males.

"Were you trying to run from us and your studies?" Alex murmured in my ears.

"I-well-um-I'm sorry.." I whispered.

I gulped and looked down.

"We're going to go study at Nathan's place," Alex says before grabbing my hand, "Come let's go."

We all walked over to the parking lot and I got in Alex's car. Nathan's house wasn't that far from school. We arrived there shortly.

I took in the sight of Nathan's mansion. Nathan's family was, to put it nicely, loaded. Just like the rest of us. His mother was a very experienced architect. Making every single detail perfection.

This was going to be an interesting study date.

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