Chapter 29

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"You!", screamed the strange man, "You and the Vanderbilts and your boy toys!"

I furrowed my eyes brows at the man. He has some scars here and there and a lot of bruises and injuries. Judging from his facial features, he was Russian.

"Do you know what they've taken from me, what they've taken from Jarrett?" yelled the man.

"Sir, what-what are  you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Don't play dumb little girl. You KNOW what your family did to all of us!" He yelled.

Before I could say any further, my bodyguards stood in front of me and glared at the man.

"You need to leave," Drake said in a serious voice.

"No no no, I'm not leaving until SHE pays the price for her family." He smiled wickedly which makes me want to puke.

"Sir, I'm going to tell you again, LEAVE. NOW." Drake said in a deadly voice.

Jackson had his hand on my arm, ready to pull me out if necessary.

As if the man was defeated, his body slumped down and his shoulders relaxed.

But out of nowhere, he has his gun out and shot it right at me.

It all happened in a flick of a second that I couldn't even process it for a while.

I looked down to see a bullet wound but found none.

Then, I heard an inhale of breathing next to me and saw that the owner of the bullet wound was Jackson.

His abdomen was pouring red but he stilled stayed in his composure in front of me.

"Jackson!" I yelled wide-eyed.

I turned to inspect his wound.

"Don't worry Miss. I was trained for this." He said through gritted teeth.

"Well well well. Your aim is so bad you can't even hurt the person you so desperately want. Now, your last chance, GET. Out. Or you'll see what two ex-assassins can do." By the looks of it, Drake was done at this point.

Finally, he cast one last glare at me and ran away.

"Drake! He needs help!" I yelled out.

Jackson was pale as a ghost at this point. Drake came over and looked at his wound. He then cursed under his breath.

"That mother fu*k*r! He laced it with poison!" Drake yelled out.

A gasp left my lips and I looked back at Jackson.

Drake ferociously pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Sir, we had an incident at the mall. Jackson is injured." Drake said to the person on the other side.


"I understand."

"It was taken care of sir."

"Backup would be appreciated, thank you."

I watched in awe as Drake started to rip his shirt and pressed it to Jackson's wound. I now understand the friendship between my two bodyguards, they would always help each other.

After a few minutes, three black cars pulled in. Two cars filled with my father's men came out and started helping Jackson.

My father and Tristen came out of the last car and walked to me.

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