Chapter 12

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My heels pounded on the marble as I walked in the halls. People stared as I go by and make way for me.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my books. I walked to my first class. Students were filling in and taking their seats.

"Miss Vanderbilt, I must say. I'm quite impressed with your essay for this assignment. Very well written."

"Thank you, Mr. Williams. I quite enjoyed it." I replied with a smile.

"Oh, you enjoyed it all right" I turned around to see Alex smirking.

"Excuse me, Mr. Williams," I say and went over to find my seat.

"Tell me...Ms. Vanderbilt. What was it that you enjoyed? The 1000 words essay? Or doing the essay with me?" Alex smirked.

I recalled the time I was sprawled out on his bed doing the assignment. He wouldn't stop distracting me and teased me about the event with Nathan.

I was saved from that question by the bell.

"Alright class, take your seats. I'm going over that assignment from last week." Mr. William says.

Alex took his seat next to me and pulled out his iPad. I opened my bag and pulled out mine.

"Does anyone want to comment on the character growth throughout the story?" Mr Williams asked.

No one spoke or rose their hands.

"Guys come on. I know it's a Monday morning but wake up. Mr. King. What do you think?" Mr. William says.

"I think there was no character growth," Alex replied.

"Really? Care to elaborate more on it?" Mr. William says while crossing his arms and sitting on the desk.

"Well, let's be honest. She's awfully naive, isn't she? Her words may be more mature and different at the start of the story, but her actions say otherwise. In the end, she did what any naive person would do. What she would do in the beginning. There was some character growth, but half of the time she was the same." Alex answered confidently.

"Hmm. Well answered Alex. That was very thoughtful. Alright, let's move on..."

Class ended with the bell. Everyone packed their things and started filing out.

"No character growth huh? Where'd you get that?" I joked as I put my iPad away.

"I had some...inspiration," he replied shrugging.

"Hmm okay." I giggled.

We have gym next. I grabbed my gym bag and headed to the girl's locker. Since I only had male friends, I didn't really talk to anyone in the girl's locker room.

As I opened the door and walked into the girl's locker room, I found out I was the first one there.

Gradually, girls started to fill into the changing room and let the gossiping begin. I usually ignore it but this time I heard my name. I was on the other side of the room so they didn't see me.

"I heard Talia's father is sending her away to boarding school because she got pregnant with all 4 of the boys."

"What? Really? No way. I heard they were nearly going to disown her because her father got really mad at her."

"Well, what can you expect? A rich spoiled girl doing whatever she pleases. No wonder her dad got mad at her. If I was her mom, I would have slapped her right on the face for being such a whore. Sleeping with 4 guys."

"That's what happens if you grow up with only a father."

At this point, I don't even care if I'm in my bra. I'm pissed. Pissed as hell. How dare they assume things and talk shit about me.

"Hey, darlings," I say as I stepped out in front of them.

All of their faces were drained of color and shock was displaced on their faces.

"Whatever happens in my life, is MY business. NOT yours. My father raised me better than all of you. Don't ever talk about him again!" I yelled.

They all looked down and didn't say anything. I was so mad that had talked about me that way. I turned around and finished changing. I picked up my bag and stormed out of the changing room.

I was storming angrily through the hallways when I bumped into Tyler.

"Whoa slow down Tesoro. What got your panties in a bunch?" Tyler chuckled.

"Ughh it's the girls from the changing room. They always talk shit about people. Just now they were assuming things about me and commenting on how I only have a dad. They even said I got pregnant with all of you." I exclaimed.

"Well, what did you expect from them? Only jealous people talk shit about people." Tyler say and walked closer to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, isn't it obvious? Look at you. You're perfect. Pretty, smart, intelligent, funny, wealthy, and you have a big heart. They're just jealous they're not you." Tyler says while stroking my cheek.

"I-." At this point, I was full-on blushing. My face was beet red.

Tyler chuckled and said, "Come on princess, let's not be late for gym." and I dragged myself to class.

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