Chapter 8

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Talia's POV

Nathan's car stopped at the bowling alley. We all got out of the car and Nathan took my hands in his. We walked in, hand to hand, into the center behind Tyler.

"Can I get a 10, 10.5, and a 6.5?" Tyler said to the counter.

"Hey, how do you know my shoe size?" I asked.

"Sweetheart I know everything about you," Tyler smirked.

When we got our shoes, we went over to get some balls and started shooting.

When it's my turn, I walked over and picked up a ball. I sucked in a breath and shoot. I missed, Damm!

"It's been a while since I went bowling. I'm a little rusty." I say.

"Want me to teach you?" Tyler asked.

I shrugged and Tyler came over to me. He took my hand and got a ball. His body was nearly glued to me as he explained the technique. Finally, both of our hands swing back and shoot the ball.

"9 pins. Not bad." Tyler grinned.

"Well, if it was up to me it would be 3 pins so yeah it's good," I say.

We all laughed and continued our game.

"You guys hungry? I'm gonna grab some food." Tyler asked.

"Sure." both me and Nathan said in unison.

As we wait for Tyler to come back we heard this overly annoying high-pitched voice.

"Heyyy Nathan. What a surprise. What are you doing here?" Kaitlyn grinned.

"What does it look like I'm doing Kaitlyn, I'm bowling." Nathan snapped.

Nathan really detested her. She tried to flirt with him during our second year and caught him smoking on the school campus. He wouldn't give her attention so she outed him to the teacher. Nathan was assigned to 100 hours of community service. Our school was really strict about its reputation. 

"Well I know I know. But if you're bored you can always join my group." Kaitlyn smirked.

"I think I'm okay with who I'm with right now. Thank you." Nathan says while putting an arm around my waist.

Kaitlyn's smile faltered as she said "Okay then if you feel bored, you know what to do."

We watched Kaitlyn and her group of posse go away and I groaned.

"Ughh she's so annoying. And rude! Doesn't she see me standing here?" I frowned.

"It's okay. She's gone. Come on, did you really think I was going to go with her?" Nathan laughed.

"You better not," I say frowning while crossing my arms.

Nathan dragged me over to where Tyler was setting down the food. When Tyler saw my expression he asked. "Trouble in paradise?"

"I wouldn't call Kaitlyn paradise. More like hell." I say.

They both chuckled at me again and started eating.

Soon after, we were back in the car and on our way to Alex's house. The car stopped in front of the main entrance and we all walked into the house. We saw Gabriel and Alex sitting in the living room and I ran to them.

I gave them both hugs and sat down on Alex's lap. Nathan and Tyler sat on the couch across from us.

"Did you have fun?" asked Alex.

"Yup," I say and I leaned my head on Alex's chest. I'm beaten. All the bowling really got to me.

I could hear faint whispers and mumbles as I closed my eyes and was half asleep. Every time Alex talks, I could feel his chest vibrating. It was a soothing sensation.

Soon, I heard all whispers stop and a body carrying me up. It kicked open the door and set me on the bed.

Hm...Alex's scent. Probably his bed. The figure stood above me for a while then kissed my forehead. It then disappeared off. I finally relaxed and drifted off to sleep.

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