Chapter 31

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Chills ran down my spine as I glided across the rink. The air around me was chilly and cool on my skin. My lungs started to become cold and I felt my nose getting red. I could hear my heart thumping in my chest and the sound of skates clashing on the ice.

I kept my balance and focused my attention on my speed. I could feel the bodies of the boys behind me get closer and closer to me.

"Talia, I'm going to win!" Nathan yelled out.

He was in fact, going to win. His body moved effortlessly across the rink with a bit of swag.

Knowing that I was going to be a sore loser sooner or later, I did something that wasn't something I'd do often.

I leaned my body down and felt my knees touch the ice. It would leave a wet spot on my leggings.

Just as I expected, all of the boys came rushing to my side.


I felt Alex's arm go around my shoulders.

"Talia, are you hurt?" he asked.

The boys looked at me with concern.

I looked down and smirked. Catching them off guard, I quickly got up to my feet and slid across the room. I giggled uncontrollably as I got nearer to the ending side.

The boys were quick on their feet too but not quick enough. Since I got ahold of the "surprise attack," before I knew it, I won!

Tyler came slouching over.

"That's not fair Talia." He pouted.

"Yeah, Talia. I was going to win." Nathan came over.

"Talia! Don't do that. We thought we were seriously hurt." Alex scolded.

"Oh don't be sore losers guys. You knew I wasn't going to win. So I did something interesting to save my female ego." I winked.

Nathan slumped down on the chair.

"I'll make it up to you with snacks?" I sheepishly smiled.

They looked at each other.


Who can say no to food?

I came home to see Tristan and Aiden playing pool with Dad on the armchair, observing them.

I walked over to my father and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Um since Winter Break is coming, where are we planning to go?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Since I forgot darling, where do you want to go? We could make it a family vacation." He smiled.

Ooo, I get to pick this time!

"I've always wanted to go to Southeast Asia. You know, to avoid the cold this year." I suggested.

"Anything is fine with me really. I need a break from all this work Tristan's been dumping on me." Aiden joked.

Tristan scowled but continued his turn.

"Which countries do you want to go to?" Tristan asked.

"Um... Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia?" I added.

"Oo Myanmar has been on my list for quite some time. I heard the scenery is to die for and the Ancient Bagan is so cool." Aiden commented.

"I can't wait to go to Bali in Indonesia. I wanted to go to the beach. Let's go to the Philippines too?" Tristan sat down.

"Alright, you guys have been working hard at the company this year, and Talia, I heard you got straight As. I'll tell my assistant to schedule it tomorrow." Dad declared.

Sightseeing in Myanmar, tasting food in Thailand, Swimming in Indonesia, Beaches in Vietnam, and exploring the Philippines.

I can't wait to tell the boys


The boys and I all decided it would be best if we left together. I sat on my suitcase in front of my house as I waited for my father to finish instructing the employees.

"You ready?" Tristan asked.

I nodded my head and before I knew it, I was leaving my house in my father's car.

We saw the boys and their families at the airport. The adults shook hands formally while I practically lunged at the sight of Tyler and Nathan.

"Goodbye." I pulled back.

"Goodbye, Talia." Tyler ruffled my hair.

"Stay safe okay?" Nathan added.

We parted our ways and left the country.

I decided to bring a journal with me so I could note down details that I would rant back to the boys.

Here we go!

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