Chapter 6

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I woke up with an arm around my stomach. I looked to my right to see Alex sleeping soundly.
His brown hair was all over the place. I smiled and touched it. It was so soft.

While I was caressing his hair, he stirred awake.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Good morning," he replied.

"I have some business to attend to at the company. Are you okay on your own today?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll see what I can do here." I say and he kissed my forehead before heading into the bathroom.

I went downstairs to make us breakfast. It's been a while since I've cooked anything. Our cook usually cooks for us. Not complaining her cooking is bad, it's delicious. But, it's fun being the person to cook.

I opened the King's enormous pantry and picked up the ingredients I need. I decided to make him pancakes and bacon. I topped it off with some orange juice. While I was busy flipping slices of bacon, I felt a presence behind me.

A hand brushed my hair away from my neck and caressed the skin there. I turned around and saw Alex dressed to the nine. He has on an Armani black suit and a white tie. He looked good enough to eat.

"Hey, I made breakfast. Sit." I say. Alex sat on one of the stools from the bar counter as I gave him a plate full of bacon and pancakes. He started eating it and I poured him some orange juice.

He then grabbed my hand and sat me on his lap. I squeaked as my bum landed right on his thighs. He smirked at me and picked up a handful of pancakes with his fork and slowly brought it up to my mouth. Realizing what he meant, I opened my mouth to feel the fluffiness of the pancake on my tongue and swallowed it.

The time went by as he ate and kept feeding me. We didn't even notice that 3 familiar bodies had entered the foyer and headed straight to the kitchen.

"Well isn't that a sight for sore eyes." a voice boomed into the room.

I gasped as I saw all of the boys there. They made their way towards us and sat on the empty stools.

My mouth slightly opened when they all started shuffling to get some food and sat down next to us.

"So. Alex. Heard you had things to do at the company today," Nathan said.

"Yeah, my dad wants me to work on the Phoenix deal," Alex said.

"I see, so what are you doing today then Talia?" asked Nathan.

"I don't know. Maybe, do some reading. Probably anything I can get my hands on in this mansion." I replied.

"Well then, do you want to come with us? We're going bowling." grinned Nathan.

"Bowling! Of course! Why didn't you tell me this sooner? Wait here I'm going to shower and change into something more...fitting." I say and went back to the bedroom.

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