Chapter 34

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"I don't approve"

The table went silent as Alex dropped the bomb. I was taken back and looked at him confused. As taking as a signal to continue, he added, "Talia, it's not safe to work as an ambassador since you'll be interacting with all of your family's investors. Who knows, one of them might not have good intentions."

"Are you kidding me? I thought you would support me?" I complained exasperated.

"Talia, I do support you. In every aspect. The thing is, I know some of these people and they are the kind you don't want to mess with." Alex shot back.

I turned to the rest of the boys.

"Aren't you guys going to defend me?" I questioned.

"Talia...Alex does have a point. He's just trying to protect you and look out for you." Gabriel explained.

"Oh gosh. I can't believe we're having this conversation." I crossed my arms.

"Just hear me out Talia, what if something bad happened to you? We all would go mad," said Alex.

"How would I know if I never try?" I argued.

"Better safe than sorry?" Tyler tried to joke but I wasn't' having it.

I truly thought the boys would be happy for me and encourage me. But no, they had to go the other route.

"You guys never let me try things. It's always like this and always will be!" I shouted and stood up.

"Talia!" Alex yelled, startled.

"No! I want to try things and take risks. What is life if you just stay in your house talking to four guys," I grabbed my purse, "I really thought you guys would be happy for me."

With that, I left the place, ignoring the boys' protests. They could easily outrun me but they didn't. Good move.

Since Alex drove me here, I had no choice but to walk. I didn't even know where I was walking but I did.

Finally, after an hour of endlessly walking my feelings out, I got to an abandoned park. There was a Ferris wheel sitting next there.

I looked around to find no one there so I lifted the tapes and walked in. It was quiet and peaceful. I like it.

I sat there on the last seat of the ferris wheel just thinking about the conversation. It was a mess. The boys and I usually never tend to fight. If we did, we always got back. However, I really wanted this and they looked like they would do everything in their power to stop me.

I might be a 16 and look like a piece of breadstick, but I'm a Vanderbilt, and I'm stubborn as hell.

Just as I pep-talked myself in my mind, I heard laughter ahead. It was a group of boys, maybe around their 20s, walking towards me. They didn't notice me so I tend to keep it that way.

I stood up and confidently walked in front of them.

"Hey there hot stuff!" one of them yelled.

I ignored him and continued walking. One of them forcefully grabbed my forearm and pulled me towards him. Oh no, they're drunk.

"Where do you think you're going?" the one who grabbed me smirked.

"Sir, I would really appreciate it if you let me go," I spoke calmly.

"Nah, where's the fun in that?" he joked to his friends.

"What's your name?" the taller one asked.

"Why on earth would I tell you?" I questioned.

"Hmm, cause you value your life," he answered.

"No." I replied sternly, I know better than you reveal your information to strangers.

"Excuse me." he looked at me deadly.

"I said no! Do you want to hear it in Spanish? Noh!" I answered.

"Well Talia, would you like to come over to our place. We could have lots and lots of fun. You like fun don't you? You're what 17? 18?" He raised his eyebrows.

"16!" Shit, ugh, damm it. Why did I say that?

"How do you know my name!" I yelled, "Were you following me?" 

"Well well well, didn't your dearest father tell you to not yell at people. I mean, since he spoils you so much, he must not. Aren't you a pretty young thing?" He grinned.

My eyes started roaming for an exist.

 "Now come." He forcefully grabbed me but I struggled.

I kicked him where the sun doesn't sun and ran as hard as I could.

They quickly outran me and tried to grab me again. This time, I swang back and punched one of his friends.

As shock overwhelms me, I froze for me moment only getting back to my senses as he cusses me out.

This time, I lost my headstart as one of them hits me in the head. My eyes rolled back and I fell into the darkness.

When I woke up, my head was pounding and I had no idea what time it was. The headache was nowhere compared to the one where I was hungover. This one felt like I was bleeding. Turns out, I was. My temple had a little blood and my hands were bruised.

Then I recalled what had happened. Oh no, not a good time to be in this situation. The boys would never come to look for me as they think they're giving me time to cool off and my family won't too as they trust me with the boys. And shit, my bodyguards didn't follow me today since they trust the boys.

Typical Talia, great.

Going into an abandoned park seemed like a good idea since it's abandoned but now I realize how stupid it was.

"Good sleep?"

I gasped as a figure walked into the room.

I struggled to get away but looked down to find myself tied.

"Now sweetie, I don't think you could get out though, and advice," he smirked.

It was the same guy who I kicked.

Then all of a sudden, five more men appeared. One of them was an older guy who looked like my dad's age.

"Hello dear," he said in a sickly sweet voice.

"I heard your name was Talia. You know what else is a coincidence, this guy I hate also has a daughter named Talia. Now, don't you find that weird? Talia is not a common name." He sat down in an armchair across from me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I spoke, my voice horsed.

"Well then, I have to be more specific, don't I?" he crossed his legs.

"I know who you are Talia Vanderbilt, and you are going to help me destroy your father."


🎶Tis the season to finish Elites 🎶

Hey my wonderful readers,

How've you been? I know, I know it's been a while but I explained why I couldn't update my message board.

Anyways, I told you I wouldn't be able to update till January but I also said I might have a surprise comeback so...SURPRISE.

I was feeling the holiday spirit and wanted to say I think about all of you every day.

I hope you like this chapter and wait for another comeback too. I really do appreciate your patience and I'm truly sorry I can't be that active anymore.

I promise to finish Elites so thank you for the support!


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