Chapter 19

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The next two weeks came by in a blur. Assignments after assignments and exams after exams. But, before you know it, it was nearly Christmas.

Two things usually happens during Christmas. The winter formal and the Christmas gala. Plus, all 5 of our families meet up and talk and eat.

Alex and I were sipping coffee in a cozy cafe just outside of the school campus. Well, he was drinking coffee, I just had hot chocolate because coffee makes me giddy. We decided to skip away when the other three were busy in the science lab.

"Hey Alex, how's your deal that your father wanted you to do going?" I asked.

"It's doing fine. But you know, people are hard to persuade. My father is growing impatient by the second. He wants me to grow up faster to take over the business." He says pulling strands of his brown locks.

"Hey, don't stress yourself out. He loves you. And if there's anything I can do to help you can-"

"You don't have to worry Bambina. It's nothing you have to worry your pretty little head about. Business is cruel, and I don't want you anywhere near the things we do. Your brothers will take care of it." Alex cut me off.

We then heard the cafe bells jingle meaning someone walked in. Laughter was heard and we turned around to find the other three. They were all wearing their ridiculously expensive long coats and signature watches. Anyone in a mile radius could tell they had money.

"So this is where you've been all along. We roamed the hallways for like an hour searching for you two. I'm actually pissed." Nathan says while taking a seat at our table, crossing his arms.

I instantly felt bad.

"Awn I'm so sorry Nathan. We though you guys were busy in the lab and we were thinking to come back before you even noticed. I'm sorry." I say looking down.

I felt a hand held my chin and to look into Nathan's eyes.

"It's okay princess. But...I do know a way you could make it up to me." Nathan says while stroking my cheek.

"How?" I asked curiously.

"Kiss me." He replied.

"What..?" I gasped.

"You heard me, kiss me," Nathan says while his eyes turned dark.

I sucked in a breath and looked at Alex with big wide eyes.

Finally, Alex reacted by growling at Nathan in a warning tone, "Nathan...control yourself."

Nathan sighed and just kissed my forehead before leaning back in his seat. Tyler then comes behind me and embraced me.

"Guess who's having another sick party again?" Tyler grinned.

"Really? Your dad allowed it?" I asked surprised.

"Yup. I just helped him clean up his mess with the business and I'm in the green light." He says while having a seat.

"Wow. That's great. So? What's the theme now?" I asked while sipping my hot chocolate.

"Hmm a theme. I think I'm going to go with....glow in the dark. But with more skin." He replied grinning.

Alex raises his eyebrows and said, "Really? Is that so?"

"Yes and I'm going to install blue lights when I get back home," Tyler replied confidently.

"Okay then, let's see how your little theme party turns out shall we?" Alex says smirking.

"Why do I get the feeling that you're mocking me?" Tyler says while frowning.

"Ty, cause I am," Alex smirked.

We all broke into laughters at Tyler's face.


Saturday finally arrived and I had picked out the perfect outfit.

It was a tank top with corset at the back. I paired it with an almost too short skirt and a high knee boot. I also put on some earrings and styled my hair into a braided ponytail. I finished it off my long-chained channel mini purse. Everything was glow in the dark except my handbag.

I think Tyler invited the whole school because people wouldn't stop posting about their outfits on the internet. I decided to keep mine secret and surprise the boys. I giggled imagining their reactions. They always had a problem with me showing too much skin. I'm going all out tonight because Tyler did say more skin.

I looked myself in the mirror one last time before stepping out. My brothers said they would be home late so only my two bodyguards were here with the maids.

I stepped into the limo and took off on a ride to a wild night.


Hey guys, 

Happy 20 chapters! Thank you for supporting this book. Thanks for the support!

Laura 🪐✨

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