Chapter 15

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I was faced with a lightly dimed large room. Everything in here was made of wood. There were barrels and shelves stocked with wine bottles.

I stepped into the room and brushed over the smooth surface of the wooden table in front of me.

"Fucking paradise," Nathan says from behind me.

I let my eyes roam over shelves and shelves of expensive wine. Alex went over to a cabinet and pulled out 5 wine glasses.

As I was observing the German wines, I felt a presence behind me.

"So, have you found your favorite?" Tyler whispers while putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Your call princess. Anything you choose, we'll drink right now." Alex says while setting the wine glasses down on the table.

"Really? Anything? Won't your dad mind?" I asked surprised.

"Tonight, I'm in charge. So, what do you pick?" Alex says.

My eyes roamed back to the shelves. One particular bottle catches my eye. I picked it off the shelf and gave it to Alex. Our fingers brushed against each other as he took the bottle.

"Robert Mondavi. Good choice." Alex says as he poured it into the glasses. When he was done he handed them to us.

"This is for Talia's victory in finally getting in here," Alex says as he raised his wine glass, "Cheers."

We all did the same and drank from it. Gabriel then pulled out something from his pocket.

"Gabriel you smoke?" I asked shocked. These boys only ever drink expensive liquor. Never the type to pull out a joint.

"Something like that," Gabriel smirked while pulling out a lighter. He lit the cigarette and put it in his between his lips. He passed it to Tyler who then did the same. They passed the cigarette around while I sipped my wine.

"You wanna try Tal?" Nathan asked while blowing out a breath of smoke.

How are we sharing a cigarette?

I parted my lips and nodded my head. Nathan handed me the cigarette and I held it between my fingers. I brought it near my lips and inhaled. I started coughing, really bad.

"Easy there." Gabriel chuckled while taking the cigarette from me.

I looked at them with glassy eyes. Their eyes all turn dark and look at me with an unknown emotion.

"Here. Try again." Gabriel says.

He brought the cigarette to his lips and inhaled. He closed his mouth and went near me.

"Open your lips princess," Tyler says beside me.

I parted my lips and Gabriel exhaled between my lips.

"Inhale it," Gabriel whispers.

I closed my eyes and took it in. It felt great. I smiled and bit my lip.

"Someone likes it." Nathan smiles.

We continued our little party. Gabriel helped me smoke again. We soon finished off that awfully expensive wine bottle. We were all drunk by then. I was giggling uncontrollably.

"We are so getting murdered by her family tonight," Tyler commented, shaking his head. 

We then heard footsteps near the door. The door opened and revealed Alex's dad.

"Alexander. I-," Mr. King says but then his gaze fell on me, "Oh sweetheart. Didn't know you were in here. Why aren't you outside enjoying the party?"

"I-well-I" I try but Alex cut me off.

"I invited her. Is everything okay?" Alex replied.

"Yes, everything is fine. But the guests are wondering why the host is not joining the party." Mr. King says.

Alex sighed and replied, "Okay fine. We'll be there."

Mr. King then looks back at me.

"Sweetheart you do know that you're a fine young lady right. Not only do you have the looks but you're the daughter of one of the most feared men. Someday you're going to have to find a suitor. And trust me there'll be plenty." He says.

I looked at him confused but Alex puts his arms around my waist and said. "We'll be up there dad. Don't worry."

Mr. King nodded and finally walked out the door.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I think that's his way of saying get out of here and stop acting like drunken fools. Oh well, I guess that means our little party is over. " Tyler joked.

"Come on. Let's go." Gabriel says while discarding his cigarette.


When we eventually got back to the ballroom, everything was still the same. I didn't know why people enjoyed this. The winery party was much more fun.

"Guys I have to go talk to people for my dad. I'll meet you back later." Alex says while walking off to some important-looking men.

Soon, our group was broken up and I was alone. I decided to go to the bar to get a drink. In the corner of my eye, I see two bulk men in suits looking at me. To see if they were following me, I walked faster to lose them but they were still there. Every turn I made, they would too. Oh no, this is not good. The last time this happened, I got held for ransom. I tried to act calm and asked the bartender for a drink.

While I was sipping my champagne, my eyes were ferociously roaming the ballroom to find at least one of the boys. I almost jumped in joy when they landed on Alex talking to a woman.

I speed walked over there and tapped his shoulder. He excused himself from the women and turned to me.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I-I think those men are following me." I tried to explain shaking.

His eyes whipped around to get a view of the two men. He then walked over to them with a dark look in his eyes. I hopelessly followed him not knowing what he was going to do.

What he did next made my eyes widen. He punched one of the men right in his face. They were a series of gasps and a crowd started to form.

Oh no.

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